b'wasdoingmorefor herphysicallyandCLASS ACT PERFORMING ARTS STUDIOmentallythanany-thingelseshehadSUMMER CAMPStriedbefore.ItwasHELPING YOUNGamazing to me that in2023 @ CAPASone hour, I could getPEOPLE GROW- INTO ARTISTS whatIcouldntgetJune 26 - August 11formywholebodyOF INTEGRITYbyrunningforfourAges 3-18hours. It was just the wholebodycardio and strength training thatcomesinjustaCKO gym goers give a birthday shoutout and take a photo one hour class. whenever theyre aware that someone is taking a class on Despitebeingtheir birthday.nine months pregnant, Connell founda bag. Thats really the difference. Its herselfgoingtoclassesasmuchasnot just the pounding of a 140-pound she could. I was a bit of a spectaclebag that is so satisfying, though clearly at times, she laughs. Still, the abilitythathelps.Connellsuggeststhatthe to turn up for a class and simply fo- class model is conducive to a success-cus all her stress and energy on punch- fulandconsistentgym-goinghabit. ing a kicking bag did wonders for herWhenyougotothegymandyou physical and mental health. It madehave to work out for yourself, you have me feel good and it allowed me to be ato be your own trainer. Whereas here,Visit our website forbetter mom. I could take it all out onyou step into a class and its done formore information!the bag, and then Id come home andyou. All you have to do is show up. For973.789.0191could be patient and just enjoy hang- manybusyprofessionalsandparents,ClassActPAS.com128 Irvington Ave, South Orangeing out with my kids. the act of simply showing up and being Part of the particular joy and satisfac- told what to do is a huge relief.tion that one gets out of kickboxing is,Having made the leap from Brook-according to Connell, the stress releaselyn to Maplewood in 2012, Connell of being able to hit, kick, and punchmade the professional leap as well and Connell suggests that the class model is conducive to a successful and consistent gym-going habit. She says, All you have to do is show up.feature story /19'