b'Kelly Lombardi & Bonnie RamseyTANDEM REAL ESTATE GROUPCompass, 1200 Morris Turnpike, Short Hills973.991.9954 | tandemnj.comCONFIDENTA tTandem,wevehelpedhundredsofcli-ents achieve their real estate goals and have seen this market from top to bottom. Each transaction is unique and only deepens our knowledge and ability to serve our clients well. Our networkofvendorsandcolleaguesisstrongand ourconfidencecomesfromourexperience.We continuetochallengeourselvestogrow,bothas individuals and as a business, and ultimately strive to do our best for our clients and the community. Laura VesterholtPOP BLOSSOM STUDIOSouth Orange516.669.2068 | @popblossomstudioAUTHENTICI nmyartworkshops,Ihelpchildrenexplore different media and creative options for their projects so they can make something true to their imagination. The kids learn art principles and new skills along the way, but my goal is that they make something they are excited about and never imagined they could produce. Its similar to how I feel about having built my own business. I wholeheartedly believe that this kind of work builds confidence and creates strong independent adults.Claudia Aarts-SchreiberTHE CORE PLACE 178 Maplewood Avenue, Maplewoodinfo@thecoreplace.com | thecoreplace.comKEEN-EYEDF rom my many years in dance, body conditioning, training and working with various practitioners, I have developed a keen eye for detail, particularly with regards to qual-ity of movement, biomechanics and posture that allows me to provide individualized corrections to clients. These small adjustments can feel like big changes internally and often help people feel better and make them aware of their bodies. I work with clients in group and private settings and love being able to make a positive difference. 28/ matters magazine / fall 2023'