b'netswereinplace,we chose a patina to give a beautifulagedlookto highlight the period of thehome.Graffthen repurposedtheextra componentstocraft cabinetspaceforthe playroom renovation in the lower level.Icouldnthave imaginedamoreper-Perry got the soaking tub of her dreams with the second fect kitchen, says Perry,floor bathroom refurbishment.who loves to bake withWOMENS WORKSHOPSher girls. But for me, the crowningvisitors are charmed by the contrast. point was the second floor bathroomIts also the place where clients get the refurbishmentwithasoakingtubofchance to start a design journey with mydreams.GraffsdesignaestheticGraff. Thrilled to share her new space spilledoutthroughtheentirehomewith the community, Graff explains, throughtheselectionofabeautifulIwantedanofficespacethatbal-colorpalette,lighting,andjusttheances a fresh newness with my love right finishing touches. of the old. It showcases that perfect Mostrecently,Graffhasbeenonjuxtaposition that delivers the unex-a restoration project of her own. Thispected. The space is pretty cool and pastsummer,shesignedaleaseonIm excited to launch my own archi-newly-minted office space. Its no sur- tectural firm right here to help other prisethattheiconicSouthOrangefamilies love where they live.spot at 54 Church Street, part of theThe Perry-Eshelman family movedPHOTOGRAPHYfabricofdowntownandstepsawayback to their home just in time for from SOPAC, drew Graffs attention.the2022Thanksgivingholiday.ItCarl Ellis PhotographyOnce a vegetable and fruit store, Graffwas beyond their wildest dreams andPhoto Booth Studiosincorporated her tried and true style.well worth the wait. They had a lot to973-762-6463Design elements such as the originalbe thankful forand Graff was at thewww.carlellisphotography.comtin ceiling are set against stark whitecenter of their blessings.To the business Women of SOMA, we salute you!modern desks, contrasting hardwoodNancy is a longtime resident of South flooringandcontemporarylightingOrange, mom to a college freshman andEnjoy a 20% discount on ALL phototo create a visually intriguing space. Inwife. As a freelancer, she feels privilegedsessions. Now through12/15/23.the center, an antique farm table servesto write stories about kindhearted andMention Women when booking.as a conference area where once againtalented people like Cristina. In her new studio, Graff kept the original tin ceiling while using stark white modern desks, contrasting hardwood flooring and contemporary lighting.48/ matters magazine / fall 2023'