b'cialmediamarketing,Facebook/Instagram/Meta-typemarketing, then theres those email campaignsto help find your target audi-ence,Albertsays.Yourealize theres a lot more than just having a website.A lot of people get into busi-ness because they have the vision, buttheydontknowwhattodo GOA Students are Chavise Albert turned to the NJSBDC for assis- with it or how to manifest that, tance registering her business, Cultural Expres- Albertsays,Thecenterisreally sions, learning how to collect taxes and other Seen, Celebrated and Elevated start-up issues. Photo by Cindy Perman. good at helping you to strategically map out a plan for success.are bankable or not, she says. There are more than 75,000 busi-Kearney says she has had mentorsnesses in Essex County, according to See for yourself at one of our Open Houses inaccounting,policymaking,andthe Census Bureau, but only around credit, among others. 5,600individualsorsmallbusiness www.goldaochacademy.org Kearneywasawardedthe2020owners have taken the Rutgers Newark NJSBDC Success Award to recognizecenters training seminars in the past theoutstandinggrowthandsuccessfew years and only 1,500 have signed of her business while she was workingup for one-on-one consulting with the with the center. That included her lead- centers experts.ership when the business, like so manyBrenda Hopper, a former state di-others, was put to the test during therector of the NJSBDC, is a fan of the Covid pandemic. She had to close theorganization, as you might expect, but child-care center for a few months, useshe is also now a client, using it to help her medical knowledge as a nurse toher with the CBD and cannabis busi-provide a safe environment to re-open,ness, CannaBoy TreeHouse in Union and develop distance-learning kits forandasecondlocationplannedfor any families that didnt feel comfort- South Orange, that she launched with ablecomingbacktoin-personcareherson.Sheandhergranddaughter, right away. The center helped her withwho is now part of the family business, everything from digital marketing tohave taken classes on everything from supply chain and intellectual propertyhow to market your business using so-issues for the kits. cial media to how to get financing and Thats a long way from running acustomer-service workshops.smallbabysittingserviceoutofherIt is such a jewel in terms of re-home! sources,Hoppersays.Ifyouhave Chavise Albert is another local en- an ideamake an appointment. You trepreneur who turned to the NJSBDCcan talk to one of the consultants toYour Interior and Exterior Painting Experts when starting her business. Albert runsjust look at this idea from inception to CulturalExpressions,ane-commerceopening a business, she says.businessthatsellsmerchandiselikeAnd its not just for start-upsits mugs, T-shirts and journals that cele- alsoforseasonedbusinesses,Hop-brate and inspire Black women. She gotper says. Maybe you took a financial help from a friend with the designs buthit from the pandemic and need help used the NJSBDC for assistance regis- getting back on your feet. Or maybe tering her business, learning how to col- yourelookingtoretireandsellthe lect taxes and other start-up issues. business, she says. AsAlbertsbusinessgrewsalesI cant say enoughplease use this Warranty up to 4 years High Quality Preparation & Painting havedoubledsinceshelaunchedinresource, Hopper says. Your taxes are 2019shes been taking advantage ofpaying for it!Painting Since 1996 Follow Lead Safety Regulations consulting and other offerings from theTo access consulting at the center, Carpentry and Deck Refinishing Fully Insured and Licensed center, including help with establishinggotornsbdc.comandclickrequest Call for a free estimate a line of credit and with marketing. counseling. TheresalotmoretomarketingCindy Perman is a journalist, formerly 973-444-1956 than I realized. And different levels ofwith CNBC and WSJ, who lives in Ma-independentpainters.com marketing.TheresGoogleadspaceplewood and hopes to one day have the (web browsing kind of marketing), so- courage to start her own business.40/ matters magazine / fall 2023'