b'Marcia Cia HarrisEVERYTHING4BABY487 Valley Street, Maplewood201.466.6936 | marciaciaharris.comWARMHEARTEDM ypathtochildcarewaschartedforme by my late grandmother, Eugene Lee, the community caregiver. She inspired me to followinherfootsteps,andsoIleftthe corporate world in 2006 for the world of children to help mold their lives for tomorrows future. Every-thing I do for children, whether its daycare, baby nursing,parentclasses,sleepconsulting,orparty spaces, comes from the warmth of my heart and my desire to help them in each stage of their lives. ErinRose Baldry It is gratifying to see a child in college and know SET ON VILLAGE NPP that I played a role in their development.Township of South Orange Village973.378.7715 | setonvillage.orgCOURAGEOUST hroughout life, I have known what it is to be an underdog. Whether it was double major-ing in politics and economics or getting a fullscholarshipforlawschool,Iwasoften advisedtotakeadifferentpath.Ineverletthis preventmefromtakingaleapoffaithtofind success and happiness. I practiced law, but even-tually left it to pursue a career that gave me more joy and flexibility. As manager of the Seton Village NeighborhoodPreservationProgram,itisincred-ibly rewarding to give back to my community by fostering the economic growth and development of local businesses that contribute to its success.Davia Strachan, DDSSOUTH ORANGE DENTAL CENTER481 South Orange Avenue, South Orange973.762.2660 | southorangedentalcenter.comPERSEVERANTI ve been in private practice for 28 years and during that time Ive had to learn how to run a successful business. This isnt some-thing that is taught in dental school so even though I had my license I wasnt trained in marketing, purchasing equipment, scheduling or billing. Thats why Ive taken business classes on a regular basis and networked with other dentists for their advice. Doing so has taught me how to overcome obstacles and persevere through the rough patches to become a successful business owner.30/ matters magazine / fall 2023'