b'bag because just to go to she had to be resuscitatedMAAKKIINNGGMMEEMMOORRIIEESSthehospitaleverytimeMwas [a lot]so I learnedT HIISSIISSHHOOMMEEhowtodoitathome,THsays Kelly. Even as Im sayingthesewordsto younow,Imrealizing howbizarreandcrazy and traumatic it sounds. Butwhenyoureinit, yourejustinit.Theres no other choice.I felt guilty because I was able to go into some- City to SuburbsBuyingSelling RelocationsFirst Time Buyersplace and almost turn off The Cervantes family with Jackson and Adelaide. that whole part of my life Adelaide was diagnosed with pediatric epilepsy in 2016. eventhoughspoiler formtheroleintheproductionofalertHamiltonschilddiesinthe Hamiltonforthree-and-a-halfyears.show, says Miguel. Being able to step HecurrentlyperformsitonBroad- into someone elses shoes for two and way. And while his casting was a life- a half hours and detach from that wasSusan Blodgett, ABRLuke Blodgett Ginny Spiegel altering event, a more personal turn ofactually much more therapeutic. ButBroker / Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associateevents involving their daughter wouldKelly didnt get to have that. 973-214-4636860-942-2207973-219-8865 changethecourseoftheCervantesI resented him that he got to leaveSusan.BlodgettLuke.BlodgettVirginia.Spiegel @cbmoves.com@cbrealty.com @cbmoves.comfamily forever. the house and that he got to have thisSERVICE KNOWLEDGE EXPERTISE The Chicago production of Hamil- career, says Kelly. And so one of the ton opened in the fall of 2016. Theyways that I figured out that I could still were interested in creating that com- have an identity and a life outside of145 Maplewood AveMaplewood, NJ 973-378-8300pany in very much the same way theyour home was through volunteering.createdtheBroadwaycompany,heBy coincidence, Citizens United for says. They took a lot of care pickingResearch in Epilepsy (CURE) is head- We keep you smiling!all the people. quartered in Chicago. They embraced Just a week before the casting an- us, she says. Miguel and I realized nouncement, their daughter Adelaidepretty quickly that the science was not wasdiagnosedwithepilepsy.Shegoing to catch up to Adelaide in theEveryeffortismadeto was diagnosed with infantile spasms,way that we hoped it would. But may- ensuretheutmostcomfort which is a pretty devastating form ofbe we could leverage our platform andfor each patient.pediatric epilepsy, says Kelly. A lotour story so that Adelaides experience oftimes,theycangetafirstrounddidnt have to be in vain, that it couldEnjoy a modern professional of treatment and can go on to live amaybe help another family down theenvironmentandacaring normal life. But Adelaide already hadroad. And so that became sort of mystaff.low muscle tone and she was alreadypassion. Today, Kelly serves as chair ofAs a former faculty member receivingearlyinterventionservices.the organizations board of directors. of Fairleigh Dickinson Dental We knew that something wasnt right.On October 12, 2019just daysSchool, Dr. Wisz now devotes Andshedidall her time to private practice.notrespond totreatments. Theyhelped but they did notWendy Wisz, DMDcontrolit.We witnessedher havingamajorGeneral, Restorative & Cosmetic Dentistryregression.Adelaides situationgrew250 Millburn Avenue | Millburnmoredire.I973-467-0077was regularly re- Saturdays and Evenings AvailablesuscitatingherKelly serves as chair of the board of directors of Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy (CURE) to help leverage their platform andOn site parking | Convenient locationwithanambustory to help other families.feature story /13'