b'Matters The Cervantes family: Miguel, Jack-son, Anessa and Kelly. The ladybug represents daughter Adelaide. Photo by Julia Maloof Verderosa.MAGAZINE TheMagazineofMaplewoodandSouthOrangecontentsVol. 34 Issue 4 Summer 2023in every issue in this issueHeart of the Matter8 12Grief, Joy, Activism, and Hamiltonthe wheels of friendship the cervantes family reflects on the death of one child Events that Matter10 and the adoption of anotheraround the towns18A Place Worth Rememberingjon michaud shows why a neighborhood barWhats New Review10 matteredour newest businesses 22PostcardsBook Report16 realtors share their favorite vacationsexplore our story topics with these books 26Leading the LambsFood Matters25 morrows youth pastor finds a new callingthree-ingredient creamsicles 30Producer/director Mertes finds aFinding Home29 home in Maplewooda quick and easy move from the margins to the mainstreamResource Guide33local sourcesFinal Matters34my life through music18 12 26Take Matters Magazine with you. Read us online.6/ matters magazine / summer 2023'