b'A Quick and Easy MoveWorking with Robert Northfield and Kathleen Kroll I N G HBY ELLEN DONKER D ON MIF EM elissaRandazzocantand two-and-a-half bathrooms, it felt right. It hadI joined [practically] every Facebook group. And quitebelievethatsherecentlybeengut-renovatedinatastefulmannerKathleen was really helpful with that kind of stuff and her family are in athat updated the home while preserving its charm.what Facebook groups to join, where to find dif-houseinthesuburbs.Commenting on one of the other homes theyferent information. I think it helped that she was a Ithappenedsofast.saw, Randazzo says, The neighborhood just didntmom and her kids went to the schools here. So that HailingfromHamil- have the same kind of feel. This neighborhood justwas nice to be able to talk to her about that.tonHeightsinupperfeels really cute and quaint. Located across the streetIts not easy for a child to transfer to a new school, Manhattan,sheandherhusband,JasonWagner,from Columbia High School, Randazzo appreciatesespecially at the end of an academic year, but Ma-and 10-year-old son, Mason, had lived out the pan- its proximity to stores and schools. She says, Com- sons move to Clinton School has gone well and hes demic and emerged from that experience feeling aing from the city, because I dont like driving, I canalready made a friend. Parents need to make adjust-bit traumatized. Randazzo says, I dont know howwalk to Stop & Shop. I can walk to CVS. I can walkments, too, and Randazzo says, Having never had a to describe it, like we had PTSD from being in thatmy son to school. I can walk him to the Y, and thatshouse beforeI did feel very overwhelmed the first apartment and that feeling didnt go away as every- been really nice. few weeks, because its a lot to be responsible for. thing started to open up. And we were looking for aThe houses location also offers an easy commuteAnd if you make it into your mid 40s, not doing change for all of us. We really needed a fresh start. for Wagner, a wine director for a hospitality companythis, all of a sudden it was a shock of how much Randazzoknewthattheywantedtomovetoin the city. And Randazzo, a professor of speech lan- there is to do.a town that was not your typical suburba placeguage pathology at Adelphi University, can take theThefamilyhas that was progressive and was walkable to town andtrain when she needs to teach in person. metitsneighbors schools so they wouldnt have to drive everywhere.She continues, I really liked that this area hasandRandazzosays, She wondered if a place like that even existed. Butmaintained its kind of quaint feel. It doesnt look soEveryone was super thensherememberedafriendhadmovedtotheover the top, you know, box stores and consumerismwelcoming. And the suburbs a ways back. She checked in with him andin your face all the time. So I like that it has a small- street is really quiet. it turned out he lived in Maplewood. His recom- town feel without being provincial. I think that wasWefeellikethis mendation? Connect with the realtor he had workedthe right fit for me. wastherightplace with: Robert Northfield. Fortunately the family didnt have to engage in aforus.Werereally On February 23, the family met with Northfieldbidding war. The seller wanted to close on the housegratefultoRobert and Kathleen Kroll, a realtor on his team. Kroll tookquickly and since the Randazzo/Wagners were ableandKathleen,for them to look at four houses in Maplewood. At theto do so, the deal closed on March 30. They movedmakingtheprocess time, they were open to a house, condo, townhousein April 22. so smooth and help- Realtors Kathleen Kroll and Robert Northfield helped the or two-family. But when they saw the home on Hix- In between the bustle, Randazzo quickly madeing us feel welcomeRandazzo/Wagner family find on Place, built in 1885 and featuring four bedroomsit her business to get to know the area. She says,here.a home in South Orange.finding home /29'