b'Thecongrega-tionissmallandManicure | Pedicure | Tips & Wraps |diverse,andshe hopestobeableExtensions | Facial Massagetogrowit,bring-ing all of her skills in raising children, tothetask.She leaves Morrow, the church she came to firstasamember,Mon-Fri 9:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m., Sat 9 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.Pastor Ehlers with a group of kids in Junior Youth Fellowship, athis month. Sun 10 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.Friday group open to all middle schoolers in the two towns. Intheearly days, Ehlers was a973.763.9949 | 173 Maplewood Ave| Maplewoodnumbers shrink but the trips get moremarketing executive with three young profound.Foryearsshehastakenachildrenwhomsheregularlycarted smallgrouptoSussexCountyjusttoSundaySchoolatMorrow.Her after school ends in June to help re- marketingexpertisewaseducationalFor Your Plumbing & Heating Needspair houses for those who cant do itCALL TORO TO THE RESCUE!CALL TORO TO THE RESCUE!for themselves. Shes led similar trips to Appalachia and to Louisiana. SheSteam Heating SpecialistshastakenstudentsonacivilrightsNOW BOOKING!pilgrimage through the South and toNew gas lines to bbq grillsexplore immigration at the border ofWater filtration and waterTexas and Mexico. The Sunday nightsoftener systemsSheetrock instruction was intended toInstall/repair outdoor hose spigotsgetherlatestcropofhighschoolers prepared for the trip to Sussex County973-672-1000this year.For the first time in decades, how-ever, Pastor Ehlers will not be leading the trip.After a great deal of prayer, she has accepted an offer to become the senior pastor at the First United MethodistFAMILy Church in Montclair. Instead of plan- FUN!ning youth trips she will be plotting sermons,and,insteadofschedulingPastor Ehlers led a civil rights pilgrimage FREE!through the South, stopping at Ebenezer Bible school she will, as she puts it,Baptist Church, where Dr. Martin Luther be organizing the life of the church.King Jr. served as co-pastor with his father.J U LY 1 , 2 0 2 3 6 P Mfloodshill, meadowland parkSLOPPY JOE EATING CONTEST SOUTH ORANGE SYMPHONY Y ZONE GAMES ART PROJECTS FOOD TRUCKS CLASSIC FILM 1776FOR MORE INFO: MEADOWLANDPARK.oRGproducedby withgenerous supportfromPastor Ehlers blessing a group of young church members heading out on a mission trip.feature story /27'