b'and connection point, a thin but double-storied,Faherty remains the liaison between her staff, the community and Berman.light-filled great hall. This is where the symbolismThe childrens library will be expanded and will include a garden. enters. There will be new teen spaces where middle and high schoolers can hang Berman says its transparency is its most salientout. Berman calls them places to be on your own in the world. feature. Its very important to look in and see peo- There will be a makers space, study pods, large and small community plepeople like ourselves, and people not quitespaces. like ourselves, but still part of our community, heThe wood-paneled reading rooms will be refurbished, so that those who says. The single, central entrance plays a part too.seek a quiet place to think and read can do so.Everyone comes through the same door. There will be 40 periodicals and various other print materials that will feel WhatBermanwantstotelltheworldaboutdecidedly old school. Berman says he wants the library to feel like a home Architect Andrew BermanSouth Orange is that this is a place where every- away from home for older residents and critical for all agesall needs.is redesigning the Southbody matters and belongs. The interior spaces wereThe project will increase the librarys meeting spaces by 400 percent and its Orange Library where he spent a considerable partdesigned only after months of discussion with theoverall square footage by nearly 50 percent. The childrens room will double in of his adolescence. library staff and stakeholders. Library Director Jillsize and teen use of the library is expected to increase by a whopping 800 percent.The ground floor of the Connett Building will become a teen space, intended toThe second floor of the Connett Building, the original library, will house a large commu-provide middle and high schoolers with a place to study, hang out and, in architectnity meeting room intended to provide flexible seating for discussion groups, lectures Andrew Berman\'s words, "be on your own in the world." and even receptions.OYSTERFEST FOR MELANOMAAWARENESS2024SA TUR DA YSEPT 7TH5-10PMTHE WO O DLANDMAPLEWO OD NJwww.bobmilleroysterfest.comfeature story /13'