b"FULL BUTCHER SHOP- QUALITY MEATS & PROVISIONS -SMOKED MEATS HOMEMADE FOODSFRESH KIELBASA EUROPEAN SPECIALTY ITEMSMonday-Friday: 9am-6pm Saturday: 9am-4pm1899 Springfield Ave. 973-821-9430 Maplewood, NJ 07040The two library buildings will be connected by the addition of a soaring glass entryway that is intended to reflect the community's openness.South Orange is largely and rightlyof funding.) The $6.5 million from the seen as a wealthy town. Still, accordingstate was matched by the South Orange to data from the U.S. Census, nearlyVillage. An additional $3 million loan five percent of South Orange house- was approved, and the librarys founda-holdsdonothaveacomputerandtion raised another $1 million. It is still THE SLATE ROOF nearly seven percent lack broadband.seeking an additional $500,000 to bal-PROFESSIONALS Nearbycommunitieshaveanevenance the renovation budget. adult life greater need. Longtime resident Marietta Zacker, Patrons have had to wait for com- a woman who has spent her puters and charging capabilities due toin the book Slate, Tile, Copper & Shingle Chimneys limited seats. One of the major expens- world,is Roof Repair, Replacement Masonry es of the new library will be updatingleadingthe Yankee Gutters Carpentry all systems, including electric, heating,fundraising andtechnology.Themodificationseffort.She Historic Restorations Slate & Tile Roofs Cleaned will bring 37 percent more comput- hasfond ers. Computer instruction is expectedmemories to increase by nearly half. The build- ofvisiting ing will also become fully accessible toherlocalli-those with disabilities.braryasa The decision to renovate rather thanchild.She rebuild was not just a cost issue. It wasbelievesaLibrary Director Jill Fa-also environmentally sound. The proj- good libraryherty was instrumental ect will qualify for LEED Silver Certi- isessentialin communicating staff and community needs fication. Most of the new building willtobuildingto the architects.be made of glass and wood. Bermankidsand and his company are adamant aboutcommunity. She also sees the library as reusing as much as possible from in- an essential piece of the town. People side the building, including the stacks. need and use this library, she said. It is But the new library will feel com- one of the few places where all are wel-pletelydifferent,anopen,modern,come and where all kinds of things are DETAILS MAKE THE DIFFERENCE and welcoming hub. The new meetingavailable for free: books, movies, maga-Slate roofs are durable and long-lasting, with a lifetime of 100+spaces are intended to make the libraryzines, information and tax help. Im so years. All slate roofs require 16 oz. copper ashing in valley areas,a place where community groups of alllucky to be a part of making a library we Yankee gutters, chimney and dormer sidewalls. Our slate roof expertskinds can gather. can be truly proud of.are state certied and will enhance the beauty and life of your roof.The extensive renovation of the li- Thetwobuildingshavealready brary, which has been part of the masterbeencleared.Constructionisdueto plan for 10 years, has been made pos- begin this fall and will take about two CALL FOR AN ESTIMATE sible by a slew of public funding. Theyears to complete. 973 857 7300 SlateRoofProfessionals.com library board got the largest grant awardWhenherchildrenweresmall,Tia in the states second round of fundingSwanson spent part of her day at the li-Locally owned and operated | License #13VH087 forlibraries.(MaplewoodLibraryre- brary several times a week. She remem-ceived the largest grant in the first roundbers those days with joy and gratitude.14/ matters magazine / summer 2024"