b'This coal silo functioned from 1924-1968. Trucks were filled with coal that was dumpedBRIGHTEN out. Later a conveyor was added.ipated events involving Woolleys wasroosting on the top of the silos. TheyUP YOUR the arrival of the old steam freight trainall burst into flight at once, which in bringing loaded coal cars and then de- turn scared the dickens out of us, so parting with the empties. [It was a] bigmuch so that we scrambled out of the event! Pennies [were] laid carefully onwooden shed and made our way downSUMMERthe tracks as soon as we heard that trainthatricketyladderthreetimesfaster than we had climbed up, says Zellers, who is now an avid birder.Theynarrowlyevadedasecurity This coal bin plate reminded customers toguardandspentthenextfewdays5.99 W ASworryingtheymightbefoundout. ThecoalsilostowerhasbeengoneHOME EQUITY RATES AS LOhave Woolley refill their bin. Street.averylongtimenow,saysZellers.%For all I know I am the only one who knows about the boys who conquered the top.whistleblowingfromRutgersalmostFurtherafield,WoolleyliterallyAPR *The train moved very, very slowly so theputitselfonthemapwhenaheavy whole event entertained us forhorse-drawn wagon broke down as it three hours. Use the equity in your home to access extra cash at a special The neighborhood kids alsosix month introductory rate and make more out of summer.tried to get up to the shed house onthetopofthecoalsilos. Zellers says, Imagine the brag-ging rights we could own telling all our friends that we managed toevadedetectionsomehow and find a way to get all the way tothetopofthosegiantcoalGardenSavings.org | (973) 576-2000towers at Woolleys!When Zellers and his friends*APR=AnnualPercentageRate.PromotionalRateLimitedTimeOnly:5.99%APRonany attempted the summit one sum- Home Equity Line-of-Credit for the first six months. Your rate will be based upcon credit standing. Floor rates and other conditions apply. Minimum Rate = 3.00% APR. 100% LTV mer evening they were startledThis colorful truck was only used for parades andHome Equity Loans are available. Specific terms and restrictions apply. Only byahugeflockofpigeonsribbon cuttings. availableinNJ,NY,PA.Seecreditunionwebsiteforadditionaldetails.feature story /19'