b"my g apye ard re a m sMatters Magazine asked local realtorsCAMILLE ESTRELLAwhat they would doKeller Williams Village Square RealtyMaplewood|973-932-5637if they had a year@camilleestrellarealtorto follow a dream. No work, no money worriesjust the chance to live out a fantasy.read what theyhave to say What I would do with ag a p ye a rDance in the South of FranceMontpellier, France, is home to the world's biggest annual dance festival. After studying abroad there, I've always want-ed to return. This time I'd take my husband and two boys. We'd live in a beautiful cot-tage and I'd revive my dream to dance professionally, telling stories through movement and song. I'd have balance pursu-ing what I love while spending time with the most important people in my life.22/ matters magazine / summer 2024"