b"turnedoffVauxhall in Union. The wag-WEEKDAY SCHOOL IS on was too heavy to E N R O L L I N G N O W towandremained inplaceforlong F O R F A L L 2 0 2 4 enoughthatlocals begantoreferto Pre-K to 5th grade and Aftercare Program applications accepted now the new pathway as WoolleyWagon Way. The wagon is A no longer there, but thenameWoolley P R O G R E S S I V E Avenue remains. The U.S. Government issued customers fuel oil rations starting S C H O O L 1940s in 1942 and ending in August 1945 with the end of the war.N U R T U R I N G to clean up the ashes and dump them The transition from horses to thein the garbage.C U R I O U S nowwell-knownyellowandblackThe transition from coal to oil was L E A R N E R S trucks in the 1940s marked a signifi- another pivotal moment for the com- canttechnologicalleapforWoolley.pany. We sold our very last load of Its gonna be a GREAT YEAR! Significant shifts in consumer technol- coal in 1968, says Norman Jr. Fuel One month in. and were really excited about 2023! ogy and preferences began to reshapeoil was a big improvement on home Woolleys business model. In the earlyheating. It meant people could go away 1940s, we sold our last block of ice asfor days without worrying about feed-modernrefrigerationbecamecom- ing the furnace. www.sevenpointwellness.com monplace in homes, says Norman Jr. SOUTH ORANGE, NEW JERSEY Much like ice, coal deliveries wereNow862-438-5223 a part of everyday life for Maplewood 187 Millburn Ave Suite #101 Millburn, NJ 917-210-1063 contact jackie.delucia@wkdschool.orgresidents.MaxtonsfamilypurchasedThe introduction of biofuels made coal from Woolleys. In the 1950s andfromrenewablesourcessuchassoy-even 1960s, many Maplewood housesbeans marked another era of transfor-wereheatedbycoal,Maxtonsays.mation for the company. This initiative My family bought coal by the ton oraligns closely with Maplewood Town-half-ton from Woolley, who deliveredships goals for sustainability, leading to it through a chute. I liked to watch thea partnership that provides the town-coal noisily slide down to a bin in ourships jitneys with biofuel, thus signifi-basement.Oftenmymomanddadcantly reducing local emissions.had discussions about who was goingThecompanyhasalsoattractedYour Interior and Exterior Painting ExpertsWarranty up to 4 years High Quality Preparation & PaintingPainting Since 1996 Follow Lead Safety RegulationsCarpentry and Deck Refinishing Fully Insured and LicensedCall for a free estimate973-444-1956independentpainters.com Norman W. Woolley Sr. on the left and Norman W. Woolley Jr. on the right at the com-pany's 50th anniversary in 1974. 20/ matters magazine / summer 2024"