b'Playing for Neighbors PAINTING & CARPENTR\x18Skyfactor comes to Maplewoodstock FULLY INSURED LIC: 13VH12858300(973) 951-0606BY ELLEN DONKERexterior Painting - interior Painting - carpentryGeneral Repairs - Sidin\x1d - \x0eillwork - \x06loorsWindows - \x04oors - Gutters - \x04ecks - Railin\x1ds - \x06encesKitchens - \x02athroo"s - \x02ase"ents - AtticsTOTOGO TOSAVEWE\x02SITE CONTACT 1980 SPRING\x06IE\x0c\x04 AVE S\x15ITE 9A, \x0eAP\x0cEWOO\x04 N 07040free estimatesSkyfactor:L-R: Cliff Rubin (bass guitar), Bob Ziegler (vocals), Jason B movingtoversity of Michigan, on drums.ButBefore AfterTaylor (drums) and Jon Rubin (guitar).efore SouthOrangetwoThe band has been together for 20 years ago, Bob Ziegleryears and is working to put out its fifthwww.xhrishomeimprovements.com info@xhrismail.comhadalreadybeentostudio album this winterall original Maplewoodstock,music, and its first on vinyl. Weve re-thanks to some localally been acoustic-based for most of the friends. As a memberpastfouralbums,Zieglersays. of the band Skyfactor, he was impressedon this album, Jons playing a lot more that a small town such as Maplewoodelectric guitar. We have some piano onFAMILy put on such a large event.there. We touch on a lot of differentFUN!You get up there and you see thegenres. He adds that theres some rock, FREE!crowd, you see the stage and you seepop, soul, blues and even country.all the vendors, and this is a big deal,Ziegler says Skyfactor plays about he says. You know, this is not like aone gig per month. Weve played all little farmers market. This is like a bigthefestivalsintheNewYorkmetro concert. area,youknowPleasantvilleMusicJ U N E 2 9 , 2 0 2 4 5 P MWhen Ziegler moved here, he ap- Festival, Take Me to the River Festival pliedtohavethebandplayonhisin Hastings. Weve played most of thefloodshill, meadowland parkhometurfatMaplewoodstock,butclubs in the city at this point. Bitter it didnt get in. This year, its fortunesEnd is one of our favorite home bars. SLOPPY JOE EATING CONTEST changed. It is scheduled to play on theMarveling at the longevity of theSOUTH ORANGE SYMPHONY festivals second day. band, Ziegler says, Luckily, we foundKIDS GAMES ART PROJECTS Thebandstartedasaduowithfour guys that, despite our having kids, Ziegler on vocals and Jon Rubin oncareersweve been able to keep itBEER GARDEN FOOD TRUCKS guitar.Meetingonarooftopinthegoing and play at a really high level. IA LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN SCREENINGEast Village one night at the sugges- think its just because we all really like tion of mutual friends, they jammedeach other. Its really become a family.FOR MORE INFO: MEADOWLANDPARK.oRGfor a bit and even wrote a few songs.We just enjoy creating music together. Sensing some good chemistry, the duoYou can catch Skyfactors 30-min- produced by with generous support fromplayed together for a few years beforeute set at 3 p.m. on July 14. Ziegler deciding to go for a full band sound.hopes to play about seven songs, with They added Rubins brother Cliff onfour or five from the new album. To bass and Jason Taylor, Zieglers friendfindoutmoreabouttheband,visit and former bandmate from the Uni- skyfactormusic.com.RAIN DATE JUNE 30feature story /25'