b"MAINTAIN PROFESSIONALISM CULTIVATING GROWTHHelping solopreneurs and small businesses be successful is my passion. I love putting my big brand experience to work to grow their businesses, and find it rewarding to see how far they've come. Cultivating these relationships, acting with integrity and being driven has fueled my firms growth locally and nationwide, enabling me to be in operation for over five years. I named my company Cielo Consulting because cielo means sky or heaven. I want clients to dream big with us. NUBIA DUVALL WILSONCIELO CONSULTINGMaplewood Throughout the pandemic we never stopped646-357-0428|cieloconsulting.bizworking. Our moving business was deemed essential so we quickly adapted our operations to do everything possible to keep our employees and clients safe. This was no time to keep our best practices to ourselves, so we shared them with our competitors through the board of NJ Warehousemen & Movers Association. This way we could all benefit while showing the public that there is a difference when dealing with a professional moving company.KAREN MANTZOURANISMAIN STREET MOVERS708 South 21st Street, Irvington 973-732-3700|mainstreetmovers.comI THRIVE ON LEARNINGI'm not afraid of change. In fact, I find it stimulating when I'm in a new situation, because I can dig in and learn something new. Rather than focus on the drama and the fear, I look at the positive, wondering what successes I'll find or what new thing I'll learn to love. This perspective has served me well through the twists and turns in life. Each time I start something new I find my way to success. My clients know I'm resourceful and always figure out a way to work around obstacles. It's how I thrive.DYANNA MOONWEICHERT, REALTORS697 Valley Street, Maplewood 347-788-9294|dyannamoonproperties.comresilient & brilliant /29"