b"INTRODUCING OUR NEW2 PROGRAM1 2sBeginning January 2022PROGRESSIVE. PLAY-BASED. REGGIO INSPIRED.LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE. LEARN MORE AT:WWW.MILLBURNCOOP.ORG45 YEARS OF HANDS-ON LEARNING FOR CURIOUS MINDSFinlayson's interest in the Air Force Academy began in 2019 when he toured it duringLeadership and Professionalthe Maplewood's Boy Scout Troop 5 trip to Philmont Scout Camp in New Mexico.factor.Theprocessgenerallybeginsare accepted at the Air Force AcademyDevelopment 101 Certificatewhen a high school junior sends an ap- each year, and he had to make sure heLearnGrowBuildplication, transcript, and rsum to thehad options if he didnt receive an ap-Academy. If the student is lucky, he orpointment. she is invited to a seminar in ColoradoHe also had to think long and hardSeptember 15December 9, 2021Springs the summer before their seniorabout what he really wanted in life. WEDNESDAYS7 - 8:30 pmyear. Finlayson got the invitation.I had to decide whether I wanted Then COVID-19 hit, and the sem- to have the normal college experience, inar shut down. or get up early and make sure my bedSpecial Seton Hall student,Finlaysonspentthenextninewas perfectly made each day, for thefaculty and alumni rates. monthsseekingrecommendationsnext decade, he confesses. from a cadre of teachers, doctors, Rep- In January, Finlayson got the callEARLY BIRD DISCOUNTresentative Payne, Senator Booker andhed been working toward for close tountil August 31.SenatorMenendez.Inordertoearntwoyears.ItwasSenatorMenendezSHRM-PDCs and CEUsthe nominations from Payne and thetelling him he would receive Menen- available.senators, he had to do a series of inter- dezs nomination as a candidate for the views. All of these had to be remote. Air Force Academy. Suspecting spam The process is consuming, in bothbecause the number was unidentified,Registertime and energy. And while this wasFinlayson let it go to voice mail. Heregoingon,Finlaysonhadtomain- In March, when his candidacy waswww.shu.edu/LPDtain his grades, his focus on fencing,acceptedbytheAcademy,Finlayson marching band, and Scouting, in ad- spoke to a live person in MenendezsOFFERED BY THE Buccino Leadership Instituteditiontoapplyingtoothercolleges.office. He was told, that normally theANDContinuing Education and Professional StudiesOnly around 10 percent of applicantswhole office would clap for you, but feature story /41"