b"passed a resolution to join litigationHe says media literacy is important in late December. in teaching children how to develop District board member Elizabethhabits of mind, such as healthy skep-Callahan is a Tuscan parent, found- ticism and the ability to corroborate ing member of Team Unscreen, andand understand the sourcing of in-aschoolbehavioralconsultantforformation being sent to them.schools statewide. She says the Stos- Thegoodnewsisthatthein-seltalkwasparticularlyimpactfulternet and all the wonders of it are forher10-year-oldson.Speakingalways going to be waiting out there forherselfasaparent,shesaiditfor [kids]. I dont think sticking your opened the door to meaningful con- head in the sand and not going to versations on topics such as digitaltouch any of it is good for our kids hygiene and good technology habits.butweneedtotrytowadeour Her family signed the Wait Until 8thkids in carefully and thoughtfully, pledge. She also said parental model- Chiger says. LYDIA JOHNSON DANCE ing can go a long way, such as phone- Pollock says, We are a village. It Summer 2025 Full-Dayfree dinners, to which Pollock saysis an aggressively passionate village, Dance + Art Campher family also adheres. but we are raising our kids together with Pop Blossom Studio Maplewoodresident,longtimein these schools. While well never July 7-11 | July 14-18 Ballet, Modern, Choreographyeducator, former journalist, and au- agree on everything, if we can stay 9am-3:30pm & Afternoon Art Class thorStephenChigersaysthereiswell informed and educated through hope for anxious parents. He pointsit, I think it helps people in their de-out that in 2023, New Jersey becamecision making. the first U.S. state to pass legislationAllison Weiss is a communications ex-establishing the requirement of K-12ecutive in NYC, Washington DC and instruction on information literacy.Albany and former executive producerSt. Andrew's in South Orange Registration is OPEN! ChigerwroteabookcalledGramfor Bloomberg Technology. She and her Ages 6+ and Teen InternsandGranSavetheSummer,whichfamily reside in Maplewood.WWW.LYDIAJOHNSONDANCESCHOOL.COM isgearedtowardyoungerstudents. New Years Resolution:We keep you smiling!Get Smarter!Everye ortismadeto ensure the utmost comfort for each patient.With over 100 classes in our NEW Springcatalog, theres something forEnjoy a modern profession-everyone!al environment and a caring sta .COMING THIS SPRING:As a former faculty member of Fairleigh Dickinson Den-The Redpath Lecture tal School, Dr. Wisz now de-Dr. R. Isabela Morales votes all her time to private Feb. 19 @ 3:30pm practice.Winchester Gardens - $25Matt Katz: An Inconceivable TruthFeb. 20 @ 7:00pm Wendy Wisz, DMDThe Woodland Parlor - $20Likely StoriesMar. 24 @ 7:30pm General, Restorative & Cosmetic DentistryThe Woodland - $40 generaladmission; $60 reserved; $50 atdoorsomadultschool.org 250 Millburn Avenue | Millburn973-467-0077973.378.7620 Saturdays and Evenings AvailableOn site parking | Convenient location18/ matters magazine / winter 2025"