b'pendulum,leadinguptomeno-pause, Javaid says. Symptoms like hotflashes,lowlibido,insomnia, weight gain, and brain fog are com-mon during this time.Withthatinmind,oneofthe most heartfelt questions came from a man who asked, How can I best sup-port my partner through this transi-tion? Roscioli recommends that he Encourage the family as a whole to adopt healthier eating habits, a new exerciseregimenthatcanbeper-formed together, and better sleep hy-giene so that a woman in perimeno-pause doesnt feel more isolated and alone. These healthier practices will Tara Roscioli, a Maplewood-basedalso help manage her symptoms. COUNT ON OUR EXPERIENCEfunctional diagnostic nutrition practitio- TherearedayswhenIsim-ner and certified holistic health coach,ply dont have the energy to be myLet Us Be Yourwas a featured speaker at the Not Your Mothers Menopause NJ sympo- best self, one woman says. AnotherTrusted Accounting Servicesium. shares, Intimacy is the last thing on my mind. I just want to sleep.himselfonnotonlytheemotionalOneofthemenasked,How and physiological symptoms of thislong will this phase last and will itWith more than 35 years of 35+period of life but to remind his wifepermanentlychangemyrelation- expertise, HNQT provides a fullyearsthat she is not crazy and that theseship with my partner? Roscioli says,array of accounting services with serving your symptomsarentinherhead,saysAll of the systems of the body area personal touch. We specialize in: accountingRoscioli. related and impact one another, soneedsSurprisingly,weoftenthinkofits no surprise that a woman who is menopause as a phase, but its actu- sleep-deprived, riddled with anxietyaccounting payroll taxesally only one day, explains Dr. Somiand self-conscious about her chang- bookkeeping and writeIRS and state taxJavaid, the founder of HerMD anding physical appearance may be lessup services audits featured speaker at the symposium.amorous.income tax planningestate, gift and trust Once a woman has gone without aShe continues, A womans libidoand preparation returnsmenstrual period for 12 months, sheis adversely impacted by a drop in(authorized IRS e-filepersonal financialtransitionstopostmenopause.Thisher testosterone. Its important for aprovider) planningis where she can expect tocompilations, reviewsnon-profit accountingspend40percentofherand audits of financialeldercarelife,andthesymptomsstatements full complement of dont just stop.budgetingother individualized Menopauseisaservicesbeast,saysoneofthe women. All of these bi-zarrethingsarehappen-ing to my body. Its almost like Im possessed. I cant explainhowIfeeland why Im feeling it! Another woman adds, Imgainingatonof weight (while working out five days a week), I have insanehotflasheswhen140 Mountain AvenueSuite 201everyone else is cold, andSpringfield, NJ07081my hair is falling out.Phone:732-499-0707Thinkofperimeno- Founding members of Not Your Mothers Meno- hnqtcpas.compauseasthehormonalpause NJ. L to R: Stacey Futterman Tauriello, April elevatorrideorswingingMcKenzie and Allison Kalsched. feature story /31'