b'Events That Matter WinFtaelrl partner not to take it personally andHowever, no one should take these to try to understand the physiologi- supplements without some kind of South Orange Maplewood Adultcal and emotional reasons why a oncehormonaltestingandwithoutthe School active sex life is suddenly in a rut. Itguidanceofamedicalprovideror February 207PM Journalist and podcast hostwontalwaysbethisway. Workingfunctional practitioner, as there are on feeling healthier, more active andmany contraindications.Matt Katz will discuss his acclaimed podcaststronger overall can help. As Jane Fonda once said, Meno-Inconceivable Truth Forthosenavi- pause is not the end of life. Its the DETAILSThe Woodland, 60 Woodland Road, Maplewood;gatingperimeno- beginning of a somadultschool.org Matt Katz pause,meno- new one. For-pause,andtunately,were South Orange Recreation & Culturalpostmenopause,surroundedby Affairs theresoftenaexperts and sup-February 19 - March 28 Black Art Unveiled:fearofneverportwithinthis feelingnormalincredibleand Exhibition celebrating the rich and diverseagainof being thecaringcommu-contributions of Black artists; the opening receptiononlyoneclutchingnity.is February 19 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.ahand-heldAmy Lynn-Cramer, DETAILSPierro Gallery, 5 Mead Street, South Orange;Black Art Unveiled fan, even on aaMaplewood-based southorange.org/249/Recreation-Cultural-Affairs snowy day. Butfreelance writer and former thereshope.Nu- publicist,isthefounderofCramer InterACT Theater Productions merous options are available to helpConnect. A culture changer at heart, February 20-22, 27-28, March 17:30PM ,manage and treat these symptoms ef- shes also an internal communications February 23, March 1 3PM The Wolves byfectively.expertandcertifiedhealthandlife Sarah DeLappe: A portrait of life, liberty, and theTherearemanysupplementscoach. Amy is in her post-menopaus-pursuit of happiness for a girls soccer teamthatcanhelpsupporttheadrenalal era and passionate about fostering glands,boosthormones,orjustmeaningful conversations about meno-DETAILSThe Burgdorff Center for the Performing Arts, 10 Durand Road, Maplewood; interactproductions.org/the-wolves The Wolves promotebalance,saysRoscioli.pause with both men and women.Seton Hall UniversityFebruary 2210AM-1PM Graduate Open House: Discuss admission requirements and scholarship opportunities with admission directors, with breakout sessions for specific disciplinesDETAILSSeton Hall University, 400 South Orange Avenue., South Orange; shu.edu Graduate Open HouseMontclair FilmFebruary 277:30PM Montclair Film + StorySLAM The ____ Date Ever: Each participant will have six minutes to relay their version of the theme February 288PM Montclair Film + Montclair Improv Comedy: An evening of original long form and short form improv comedy from veterans of Chicago,Haniel Rosemond, DDS, MAGDNY, and LAs best-known improv theaters General DentistDETAILS505 Bloomfield Avenue, Montclair; montclairfilm.org/ Improv Comedy Davia Strachan, DDSevents Pediatric DentistSpec. Permit 4041Achieve FoundationSame Day Dentistry & Emergencies WelcomeMarch 7 7-11PM A Night to Achieve SpringEarly Morning and Evening Appointments AvailableFundraiser: Eat, drink and dance to support AchieveGeneral DentistryInvisalignImplantsEarly Dental Care for BabiesPediatric Dentistryand the students and educators in our districtDETAILSThe Woodland, 60 Woodland Road, Maplewood;Call us to schedule your next appointment achievefoundation.org (973) 762-2660southorangedentalcenter.comA Night to Achieve 481 SOUTH ORANGE AVENUE,SOUTH ORANGE, NJ 0707932/ matters magazine / winter 2025'