b'How to Start thePractice of Meditation Clearing up the misconceptions, with local helpBY JUDIE HURTADO ?Maplewood Meditates took place in Memorial Park in Maplewood this past fall. Photo by Pansela Schaetzle.P Meditationoftentopstheconnected.Mostimportantly,ithasincreasedTraditionally, its recommended to sit upright erhaps this is the year that you are resolved to reduce stress. Maybemy patience and decreased my frustration levels,when you meditate so that you can breathe unim-you are looking for ways to im- which has been a game changer as a mom. peded. However, if you have any issues and being prove your mood or bring moreJean Vitrano is a mindfulness facilitator andseated for 20 minutes or so is a challenge for your peace and calm to your life.teacher who leads meditation groups and classes atbody, then do lie down, says Sussman. You just her Maplewood business, A Mindful Life Studio,dont want to get yourself so comfortable that you listofwaystoenhanceyourand virtually. She recommends trying out differentfall asleep.mental health and overall well-being. You likelyteachers and communities to discover what styleAnother misconception is that youre not sup-have heard about the benefits of meditation, butresonates the most. For example, I teach mind- posed to think or have any thoughts while you common misconceptions may have prevented youfulness meditation, where the focus is on stayingmeditate. That is actually not the goal. The inten-from committing to a practice.in the present moment and bringing mindfulness If youre wondering what meditation even is,practices into everyday life.consider the definition by Vietnamese BuddhistFocusing on the present moment does not mean monk Thich Nhat Hanh, who said, Meditationsitting cross-legged with your eyes closed with fin-is to be aware of what is going on: in your body,gerstouchingwithablissfullookonyourface. in your feelings, in your mind, and in the world. Maplewood resident and certified meditation and AnnHenry,aMaplewoodresident,beganmindfulness instructor Anne Sussman teaches that meditating shortly after the birth of her tripletsthere is no wrong or right way to sit during medita-more than 16 years ago. Seeking to reduce stresstion. The most important thing is to be comfort-led me to meditation. Its effectiveness has beenable. You can sit in a chair, on a sofa or sit up in bed, a major reason for continuing the journey, sayssays Sussman, who teaches virtually and in person at Henry. Practicing meditation has made an enor- Bhakti Barn Yoga in Millburn, among other places.Jean Vitrano, a mindfulness facilitator and teacher, recommends trying out different teachers and com-mous, positive impact on my life. It has strength- Adding cushions, pillows or blankets to make your- munities to discover what style resonates the most. ened my ability to focus, be less reactive and moreself seated comfortably may be helpful. Photo by Emily Feinsod Photography.22/ matters magazine / winter 2025'