b'believesinthepowerofgroupREGISTER NOW FOR CAMP & 202526 SCHOOL YEARmeditation.Merantistheorga- OUR WARM AND WELCOMING SCHOOL PROVIDES nizerofMaplewoodMeditates,aA HANDS-ON, PLAY BASED CURRICULUM FOR bi-annualfreeeventinMemorialCHILDREN AGES 18 MONTHS TO 5 YEARS OLDSchedules to fit your familys needs year roundPark in Maplewood in the fall and8am5:30pm, 9am2pm or 9am12pm at The Woodland in the winter. It isulti-indoor play spacesBE PART OF supportedbytheMaplewoodDe- r n oon enrichment OUR VIBRANTm YOUNG FAMILYnting workshopspartmentofCommunityServices.o utdoor t e e sensor COMMUNITY! space a f r yaMeditatingatMaplewoodMedi- g e p e xploration Schedule a visit!a rtumbling DANIELLE WEITZltates creates a deeper sense of com- PRESCHOOL DIRECTORf a mily events r emunity for me. Its what Ive heardu art 973-763-0113a t dweitz@bethelnj.orgnAnne Sussman, a certified meditationfrommanyoftheattendees,saysbethelnj.organd mindfulness instructor, teaches thatMerant. Were usually rushing from222 Irvington Avenue there is no wrong or right way to sit dur- South Orangeone place to the next, but this in-ing meditation. Photo by Carley Storm. tentional,communalexperienceof tionformostpracticesistoallowgathering to meditate creates a mo-the thoughts to come and go and toment of harmony that I hope has aBASS FAMILY CHIROPRACTICreturn to an anchor, which may beripple effect throughout the lives ofTreatment and Rehabilitation foryour breath or a mantra. Kathy Eh- all of the attendees.HeadachesNeck PainBack PainrichDowd,aMaplewoodresidentIfgroupsorattendingclasses who has been meditating for moredont align with your schedule, an- Sports/Gym-Related Injuriesthan 25 years, understands the effortother option is using an app. InsightDisc ProblemsPinched Nervesof not getting attached to thoughts.Timer, Calm, Waking Up and TheAuto InjuriesPregnancy-Related AchesIstrugglewiththiseverytimeIHappier(formerlyknownas10%Most Insurance Plans Acceptedmeditate.ButIjustfocusonmyHappier) are convenient to use. Al-breath and start again, over and over,though the apps are free and offer aOur current hours are Mon - Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. We are following CDC safety guidelines.DR. WAYNE BASSanditsOK.Itseasiersomedaysvariety of meditation practices, usersTeleHealth Consultations available. than others, and thats OK, too. can subscribe and pay for more con- 491B Valley Street, Maplewood973-378-BASS (2277)BassFamilyChiro.comCamille Alonso, a holistic healthtent. Pop in your ear buds and listen coach, teaches a movement and med- to a guided meditation during your itation class at The Baird in Southcommute on New Jersey Transit or Orange.Sheof-fersthisadvice tothosehaving ahardtimestill- FULLY INSURED LIC: 13VH12858300ing their thoughtsPAINTING CARPENTRYortheirbodies. When you notice& GUTTERSyourselffidget, say in your mind, Iamfidgeting.INTERESTED IN UPGRADING YOURWhen you noticeGUTTERS FROM 5 INCH TO 6 INCH?athoughtcomeJean Vitrano runs A Mindful Life Studio in Maplewood. up, in your mindPhoto by Emily Feinsod Photography. GET READY FOR WINTERsay,HerecomesAluminum Copper & Colorsanother thought. Observe the sensa- set a timer and focus on your breath.K-Style & Half Roundtion of the present moment withoutOne drawback to apps is that aWith 6 inch gutters and 3"X 4" downspouts clinging to it.teacher is not readily available if the Experiencedmeditatorshaveuser has questions.Plus, those whoyou canhandle rain water more efficientlyclaimed they are able to go deeperare new to meditation may find itNEED TO CLEAN YOUR GUTTERS? NOT A PROBLEM!in their practice when they meditatehardtomaintainmotivation.Jes-with others. Sussman uses the anal- sica Yunker,anacupuncturistwithWE DO INSTALLATIONREPAIR & SERVICEogy of attending a Bruce Springsteena practice in Maplewood, agrees. ICALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE(973) 951-0606concert in which everyone is singingthoughtIwouldliketheappsbe- 1980 SPRINGFIELD AVE SUITE 9A, MAPLEWOOD NJ 07040alongversusyousingingaloneincause theyre so flexible, but it turnsTO TO your car. There is energy thats cre- outIlikebeingaccountabletoaGO TO SAVE ated in community, she says. group. We meet on Zoom. WEBSITE CONTACT NancyMerant,whohasbeenAfter36yearsonWallStreet, meditating on and off for 20 years,Maplewood resident Bob French be- www.xhrishomeimprovements.com info@xhrismail.comfeature story /23'