b'food mattersPower BowlsFuel for a healthy new yearBY ILYSSE RIMALOVSKIT menus.ThisIf Im feeling in the mood for he power bowl has or-ganically evolved intoMexican flavors, I may add fresh a staple of health-con- tomatosalsa,sauteedpeppers, sciouscorn, avocado and a cilantro-lime artfulcombinationdressing to my base of black beans of layered grains, pro- and brown rice.teinsandvegetablesIf Im craving something deca-meets the growing desire for con- dent, I may top kale with shred-venient bespoke nutrition. ded chicken, sweet potato cubes, AshifttowardcleaneatingisFully assembled, each power bowl bite is a mighty forkful layered with flavors andblue cheese crumbles and candied evidentintheubiquityofbowlstextures. pecans.(Maybeyoullputbacon served at fast casual restaurants andand ranch dressing on yours.)elsewhere. But if Sweetgreen or Chipotle is not yourtive. I love to use raw kale that Ive dressed withIfIimaginemyselfonaMediterraneanva-go-tosolution,yourkitchencanbestockedandsome lemon and liquid aminos, or sauted cab- cation,mybowlofchoppedgreensandriceis prepped to be bowl-ready to satisfy whoever is at thebage or a mix of crunchy lettuces that are in sea- topped with grilled shrimp, briny olives, pickled table, even on busy weeknights. son. If youre thinking half grains and half greens,onions and crumbled feta with a cucumber yogurt The beauty of bowl-building involves the wholeabsolutely. sauce and lemon wedges.family in an interactive process. It encourages dis- I keep a variety of convenient proteins readilyThe following Power Bowl recipe is in checklist cussion of likes and dislikes, experimentation andavailable, both shelf-stable, refrigerated and fro- form,de-using foods that are already on hand (leftovers es- zen. Canned beans or tuna can be used in an in- signedto pecially). As a lunch or dinner option, it is also astant. How about yesterdays leftover chicken, tofuencourage creative way to get children to eat more vegetables.or a sunny side up egg? Or defrost some edamameaneasy Everyone can customize their own bowl with theiror precooked shrimp. prepara-favoriteingredients,whethervegan,vegetarian,When it comes to vegetables, I think about whattionpro-plant-based or not. will enhance my choices so far. Does my bowl havecessthat Assembling a bowl is as easy as choosing a base,a theme or flavor profile? What colors and shapesworks best adding protein, vegetables, healthy fats and finish- will make it sing? For example, if my intention isforyou ing with a sauce or dressing. an Asian-inspired bowl, I may top steamed rice andand/or yourSlice vegetables in shapes that maxi-Texture and variety are as important as flavor.pan-friedfamily withmize their appeal.Theexperienceofenjoyingabowlisenhancedtofuwithafresh ingredients that are readily available requiring when each bite is different. runnyeggminimal (if any) cooking. This is a savory recipe in-When I choose a base to maximize nutritionalandsau- tended as a dinner or lunchtime meal. The result-potential, I look for whole grains such as quinoa orteedmush- ing bowlful, one per person, is the perfect way to brown rice, steamed with a pinch of salt. However,rooms,sliv- celebrate a new year that promises to be nutritious, if you have an eater who favors white rice, cous- eredsnowdelicious and deeply satisfying. cous or orzo pasta, that works, too. Sometimes IllpeasandIlysse Rimalovski is a well-seasoned home chef, writer mix grains together or incorporate other ingredi- slicedgreenandculinaryproducerlivinginMaplewoodwith ents such as fresh herbs, caramelized onions or soyonions witha background in specialty food, media and design. sauce for added flavor. An ideal power bowl base is halfa ginger soyHave food questions or need inspiration? Visit Ilysses Chopped greens are another ideal base alterna- grains, half greens.sauce. Facebook page, Ilysse Ideally. 28/ matters magazine / winter 2025'