b'Muench FamilyDental Transitions to New OwnerWelcome Redwood Family DentalBY ELLEN DONKERDr. Agnes Seong from Redwood Family Dental in Maplewood Village.D r. Agnes Seong had beenasshewasable,spendingmanyhourshelp-practicingdentistryining at her mothers nail salon. The money she NewYorkCityforal- earned funded her college education. most 10 years when sheWith an interest in math and art, Seong pic-andherhusbandde- tured herself becoming an architect or civil engi-cided to relocate to Newneer. But her mother suggested dentistry, which Jersey. She hoped to findled Seong to shadow a couple of dentists dur-a practice near home that was family-orienteding her college years. One dentist who balanced and valued quality care and patient relation- dentistry and motherhood made a positive im-ships, but that goal proved elusive.pact on Seong. As she watched her work, she When she expressed her frustration to Dr.says she liked that theres a mixture of art and KevinMuench,ownerofMuenchFamilymath in dentistry, and I just liked making things Dental in Maplewood Village, he offered a so- withmy lution: Why dont you just buy this practice?someone with TMD, Seong says, Its very impor- handsand Im looking to retire.tant to interview the patient properly and reallymaking things Seong says, I was pregnant at the time, so Iget to know themwhat they do from morningpretty.Hav-was kind of apprehensive about taking a biggerto night to see what unpacks their symptoms.ingengineer-role, because I knew Im going to be a first-timeMuenchs treatment for Seong was successful.ingbehind mom. She says Muench encouraged her, saying,She valued his personal approach, which is some- thatfitreally Youre enough, you can do this, and Ill be herething that had also resonated with her where shewell with me.to help you along. practiced in New York. She says you can sense aSeonghas Seong had met Muench several years ago whenpractice that values quality of care the way thebeenather he was an instructor at the Pankey Institute, whichfront desk talks to you or how long the dentistnewpractice provides dental education and professional develop- spends time with you [to] get to know you. since October ment. She later became his patient to solve her pain- Seongs journey to dentistry began in college.2024,renam-ful TMD (temporomandibular disorder) issues.Coming from a family that emigrated from SouthingitRed-IhadalotofgrindingandclenchingtoaKorea to achieve the American dream when shewoodFamilyDr. Kevin Muench is transitioning into point where I couldnt function, says Seong. Iwas 10 years old, Seong says growing up wasntDental.Sheretirement as Dr. Agnes Seong takes over the practice as Redwood Fam-had to take Advil every day. To successfully treateasy. Her family was poor, so she worked as soonsaysitwasily Dental.26/ matters magazine / winter 2025'