b'WOMEN IN BUSINESS SPECIALEMBRACE THE GROWTH MINDSETBE ALIGNED SEE VALUE I fell into publishing in my mid-20s WITH YOUR IN EVERY and thrived in the industry for close GOALSto 15 years. When publishers started RELATIONSHIP downsizing, I found myself with a decision to makefind another publishing job or take the initiative toDont be afraid to say no to new clients After college, I was determined to chartreinvent my career. I decided toor projects, to take a break or just a brief my own course and thats what I did forreinvent. Had I not been forced tostep back. Entrepreneurs can get so about 20 years. Eventually, I came backreevaluate, I wouldnt have discoveredcaught up in the hustle of building their to the community where I grew up andother creative passions of mine dream businesses that they forget to began to reconnect with old friends, myeverything from branding and webtake care of themselves. Rather than parents friends and other people fromdesign, to event design for mitzvahs andgetting lost in the frenzy of being busy, my past. This enabled me to help manynonprofits. I embrace new creativetake time to set an ultimate goal and move into their next chapter of lifeendeavors every day and dont plan tomake sure the projects you take on are upsizing with growing families orstop anytime soon. aligned with it. Most clients will downsizing after children have left theunderstand when you have to say no, nestwhile helping others find newPATRICIA SANCHEZ welcoming you back with open arms locations for their growing businesses. when you throw your hat back in the ring.NICE KERN DESIGN STUDIO I count myself fortunate to see howTARA ROSCIOLIrelationships often circle back andnicekern.com|fb @nicekern PAGE 5, SECOND PHOTOGRAPH BY JULIA MALOOF VERDEROSAcontribute to the rich fabric of life. patricia@nicekern.com HIGHWAY 2 WELLJENNIFER GREENBERG 201-259-6976|highway2well.netHEARTH REALTY GROUP22 First Street, South Orange 917-757-3287|movewithgreenberg.com28/ matters magazine / fall 2019'