b'HAVEA POSITIVE ATTITUDE YOUR I have learned that a positive attitudeSEEK OUTPATH goes a long way.It helps your mind stayA MENTORIS YOUR open to new opportunities and experiences. Be proud and confident in OWN who you are, but humble enough to know what you dont know and to ask for helpWhen I graduated from dental school when needed. Above all, trust your path,34 years ago I didnt know to look for a enjoy the small moments, and work hardmentor. Dentistry was male-dominated It may not be straight, it may notso there were very few senior female always be bright and your bags may feelwith honesty and integrity to achieve your dreams. dentists I could even consult as role heavier on some days than they do onmodels. Instead I went at it alone, always others. Its okay to stop, rest andhaving to go the extra mile to prove discover along the wayto do someoneEMILY FEINSODmyself and show that I could have a elses version of nothing which mightEMILY FEINSOD PHOTOGRAPHYthriving practice while raising a family. just be your own something incredible.Its different for women now, but still Your successes are your own; define973-996-8779emilyfeinsodphotography.com important to have someone who can them accordingly. Keep traveling youradvise you on your path.path and learning your road and dont forget to have fun along the way. DAVIA STRACHAN IRINA LESTER PEDIATRIC DENTISTTHE LOCAL YARN STORE SOUTH ORANGE DENTAL CENTER15 Village Plaza, South Orange481 South Orange Avenue, South Orange 973-821-5005|thelocalyarnstore.com 973-762-2660 southorangedentalcenter.comwhat she says /35'