b'paperontheLoveCanalenviron- Coming home to the States, Peter- Americancommissionerateitherorganization, mental disaster, which he had writtenman worked for a banking firm thatand the youngest person ever to serve at CPUC. while a student at Princeton Univer- financedenergyinvestment.ButsheAsked about her accomplishments there, Pe-sity, and she became fascinated by therealized that she actually wanted to beterman replies that she is proud of the work IveFrom theconnectionofenvironmentalpolicyin the policy realm, where she coulddone to support clean energy, including energyCHS Archive with issues of laws, race and poverty.have a hand in developing policies andefficiency,electricvehicles,andbatterystorage.CollectionThat new perspectivethe inter- programsthathadpositiveimpactsAs a CPUC commissioner I led the adoption of section of government and the envi- on the environment. Once again, shethe largest utility investment program for electric ronmentled her to pursue a career inheaded back to school, this time earn- vehicle charging, and the first utility mandates to policy and energy initiatives. Each steping a Ph.D. in interdisciplinary envi- develop energy storage.of her academic path demonstrates herronment and policy at the UniversityPetermans term as commissioner ended last year. As of October 1, 2019, she diligence and curiosity to become anof California at Berkeley.assumed a position as senior vice president of Regulatory Affairs at Southern expert in the field of energy.By2011,PetermanhadamassedCalifornia Edison. No longer working for the state government, Peterman is AftergraduatingfromColum- experience in finance, nonprofits, andputting her deep experience in clean energy to good use at an all-electric utility. biaHighSchool,Petermanreceivedacademia. It prepared me well to un- Its clear that she is energized by her work. She says she does it because I a B.A. in history from Howard Uni- derstand energy regulation and workbelieve everyone deserves access to clean and sustainable energy and that smart versity, graduating summa cum laudewithdiversestakeholders,shesays.policies, planning, and collaboration can make that possible. with double minors in environmentalIn addition, while researching for herOn a personal note, Peterman is also energized by her 3-year-old son and science and biology. She was selecteddissertation,shestudiedgovernmenta husband she describes as wonderfully supportive. She credits her parents for to be a Rhodes Scholar, the first femaleprogramsforrenewableenergy,andhelping to shape her perspective, and is grateful for her education at CHS that fromanHBCU(historicallyblackalso served on the board of a promi- aptly prepared her for her future endeavors. Although Peterman lives in Califor-college or university), and spent threenentutilitycustomersadvocacyor- nia, she takes pride in noting that New Jersey is a leader in clean energy.years at Oxford University, where sheganization. Her work was noticed byAll this talk about clean energy prompted one last question: What car does earnedamasterofsciencedegreeinCaliforniasgovernor,JerryBrown,Carla Peterman drive? Her answer: A Chevy Volta plug-in hybrid. That an-environmentalchangeandmanage- who appointed her to the Californiaswer almost took us into the challenges of getting more people to drive electric ment, followed by an M.B.A. The latterEnergyCommission,followedbyavehicles and to have choices that meet their needs. But thats a discussion for a sharpenedherunderstandingofhowsix-year term as Commissioner for thefuture issue. corporations operate and the impact ofCaliforniaPublicUtilitiesCommis- Ellen Donker looks forward to following Carla Petermans work and has put A Sand policy initiatives on their profits.sion (CPUC). She was the first AfricanCounty Almanac on her reading list. Brave.BrillianT.BeginningS.Shapes become letters.Goodbyes become smiles.Teachers become partners.Doubt becomes discovery.The preSchool aTwww.kentplace.org/admissionfeature story /41'