b"Autumnal AdviceHere's what our experts recommend for the season1. 6.8.9. 10. 11. 12.1.Blue iris knit mink cape, The Fur Salon,15 Maplewood Avenue, Maplewood9.Flank steak stuffed with prosciutto and pro-Village Plaza, South Orange, 973-763-2283 973-378-7988 volone, N&K Prime Marketplace, 1899 Spring-2.Blenko handblown amberina water bottle,6.Lightweight hoodie, $25, Studio 509, 509field Avenue, Maplewood, 973-821-9430$48, Valley Vintage, 168 South Valley Road,Valley Street, Maplewood, 973-275-0509,10. Floppy Knots pet toy, $12.99, Zen Pets, 57 West Orange, 973-323-1711studio509fitness.com Academy Street, South Orange, 973-761-6121 3.Roberto Festa pewter pumps, $95, Retail7.Winterburn dk 100% wool yarn. Register for a11. Womens eyeglasses, available in a variety Therapy, 7 Highland Place, Maplewood,class to learn how to make a hat. $29/skein,of colors, Dawn Opticians, 63 Second Street, 917-650-7895, @retailtherapy_maplewood The Local Yarn Store, 15 Village Plaza, SouthSouth Orange, 973-762-9100, dawnopticians.Orange, 973-821-5005, thelocalyarnstore. com4.Dip-dyed ombre alpaca throw, $399, Makercom + Muse, 170 Maplewood Avenue, Maple- 12. (Davines) Your Hair Assistant/Definition Mist wood, 973-313-2722, maker-muse.com 8.Cotton tank,$20, CKO Kickboxing, 1933$34, Abby Haliti Salon,160 Maplewood Springfield Avenue, Maplewood, 973-996- Avenue, Maplewood, 973-327-2201, abby-5.Pottery chip and dip bowl, $45, Kokoro,1728779, ckomaplewood.com halitisalon.comshopping matters /39"