b"Say Hello to our C A LO E VNewest Businesses! L 20 EN4 2TSMaplewood Cowork atSOMA Cycle the Lofts(Formerly Your ThirdRecycling pickup for hard-to-Base, under new ownership)recycle items Coworking, offices and meetingssomacycler.com 1585 Springfield Avenue, Maplewood Tattoo Love Shack Moxie Salon and BeautyTattoo parlor Bar1779 Springfield Avenue, Maplewood;Hair salon, makeup and moreIG: tattooloveshack Fall9 W. South Orange Avenue, South Orange;@ 145 Dunnell Road, Maplewood:moxiesalonandbeautybar.com/south-orange-nj-AV LuxurySouth Orange DowntownPre-loved luxury bags, wallets,Pet Wants SOMAand accessoriesOctober 1911:30AM-1PM Pop-Up Performance: Pet supply storeavluxuryllc.com Mark Murphys Music Student Band New location: 63 South Orange Av-enue, South Orange; petwantssoma. -Maybelle NYC DETAILS Spiotta Park, 20-32 South Orange Avenue, South com Vintage bridal reimaginedOrange; southorangedowntown.orgPlaya Bowlsmaybellenyc.com;October 2711AM Spooky Spiotta: Halloween Health food restaurant-Sherry Sackscostume contest with prizes, interactive games and 209 Valley Street, South Orange;Paintings, prints and sculptureMark Murphys Music playabowls.com grounded in the punk aestheticentertainment by Wanda the Witch Student Bandsherrybethsacks.com DETAILSSpiotta Park, 20-32 South Orange Avenue, South Orange; southorangedowntown.org If your business is less than three months old, have it featured in the next issue ofMatters Magazine! Email us with the details at info@mattersmagazine.com. South Orange Department ofRecreation & Cultural AffairsOctober 133PM Watershed Poetry Event: free reading featuring poets James Hoch, Joan Larkin, and Marcia LeBeauBritish Swim School DETAILSSkate House, Meadowland Park, South Orange; Robert Stapf southorange.orgWinchester Gardens October 145-7PM Indigenous Peoples Day: TheIndigenous Peoples Day333 Elmwood Avenue, Maplewood Red Blanket Dance Troupe shares their heritage britishswimschool.com | 201-645-1300DETAILSSpiotta Park, 20-32 South Orange Avenue, South After working in the corporate sphere for 16Orange; southorangedowntown.orgyears, Robert Stapf wanted his next act to beOctober 18 5-10PM Seton Village Food Truck & one with purpose and meaning. He found that in the British SwimCraft Beer FestivalSchool, a franchise whose mission is to save lives.DETAILSIrvington Avenue between Riggs Place and Ward Food Truck & Craft According to Stapf, drowning is the number one cause of accidentalPlace, South Orange; southorange.org/calendar.aspx Beer Festivaldeaths among children and 53 percent of American adults can't swim. He saw plenty of opportunity to change those statistics and openedSouth Orange-Maplewood Adult his first franchise in Secaucus in 2017. Eight more have followed, withSchoolMaplewood being the most recent. What appeals to Stapf about BritishOctober 147:30-9PM Womens Political Voices: Swim School is its model of subleasing under-utilized pools for lessons at places such as gyms, hotels, retirement and community centers. HeWomen, Money and U.S. Politics: Kira Sanbonmatsu, also appreciates the method of providing individualized instruction toSenior Scholar at the Center for American Women a class of no more than four children or adults. The first lesson teachesand Politics at Rutgers University them the back float, a critical skill to prevent drowning.DETAILS Winchester Gardens, 333 Elmwood Avenue, Since the British Swim School in Maplewood operates out of Win- Maplewood; somadultschool.orgchester Gardens, Stapf has heard that the residents appreciate theOctober 257:30-11:30PM The Monster Bawl: youthful hum in the building with some watching the classes forHalloween dance party SOMAS fundraiser with live entertainment.music from Emotional RexWhats New Review showcases new businesses in Maplewood and South Orange. DETAILS The Woodland, 60 Woodland Road, Maplewood;The Monster BawlFor details, please contact info@mattersmagazine.com. somadultschool.org/monster-bawl10/ matters magazine / fall 2024"