b'Anning was nev-Buy ticketseradmittedtothe GeologicalSociety today! ofLondon.Wom-enwerentallowed tojoinuntilmany yearsafterAnnings death.Shedidul-HOLIDAY timatelygetcredit forherdiscoveries STOMP and today is known astheMotherof With The Hot SardinesPaleontology.The ichthyosaur skeleton FRI, DEC 6 AT 8PM shefoundnowre-sides at the Natural History Museum in London. In Annings hometown,the LymeRegisMuse-umwasestablished BRUNCH IN THE LOFTTHE BAD PLUS THE LAST WALTZMANDYWITH TRACY NELSON THU, NOV 14 CELEBRATION GONZALEZ onthesiteofherIn 1828, Mary Anning found the first pterosaur in her of Mother Earth AT 7PM Featuring The THE BAND Band Home for the Holidayschildhoodhome.Ithometown of Lyme Regis. It is now on view at the Lyme SAT, NOV 2 & Special GuestsSUN, DEC 8 Regis Museum. Prior to her discovery, a small number AT 1PM SAT, NOV 23 AT 8PM AT 7:30PM containstheMaryof pterosaurs had been found in Germany. Pterosaurs Anning Wing whichhad wings and were classified as reptiles, not dinosaurs. SOPACnow.org(973) 313-2787tellsherstoryandPhoto credit: Dana-Leigh Strauss.houses a number of her finds. She also hopes that kids are in-SOUTH ORANGE PERFORMING ARTS CENTERThere are still fossils being dis- spiredbyAnningsperseveranceto ONE SOPAC WAY, SOUTH ORANGE, NJ 07079 coveredinLymeRegistoday. Youovercome obstacles they face in their canvisitandsearchforyourself.own lives.(Theres an idea for your 2025 fam- The fact that these learned men ily vacation!) saidnotoherandshesaid,Im goingtodothis. Im going to show you!isamaz-ing,Hollowsays. Especiallygirls who are told no. I want them to say, Yes I can! JurassicGirl (UlyssesBooks forYoungRead-ers)cameoutin L AY-BASEDL Septemberandis P EAR This is just a fraction of the 17-foot ichthyosaur found byavailable at Words NIN Mary Anning. The arm in the photo is for perspective. TheBookstorein G actual fossil can be found in the Lyme Regis Museum.Maplewoodand JOIN US FOR OUR &C Photo credit: Dana-Leigh Strauss.OPEN O REGISTER HollowsaidshehopesyoungSparkhouseToys MMUNITY B FOR50 YEARS!UILDING in South Orange, as well as at Ama-readerscomeawayfromthebookzon, Barnes and Noble and other na-HOUSE!NOW FORinspired to put down their phonestional booksellers. 2025-2026and go out and explore! She hopesCindy Perman is a freelance writer and NOVEMBER 15, 16 & 18 that parents are inspired by RichardeditorwhohaslivedinMaplewood DECEMBER 9-13 and Molly Annings support of theirfor 14 years. She is author of the book SCHEDULE A TOURdaughters pursuits.New York Curiosities, and loved col-973-763-5460 Kids can do things, Hollow says.lecting rocks, shells and fossils as a little morrowpreschool.org And they just might surprise you! girl growing up in Rochester, NY.42/ matters magazine / fall 2024'