b"Olivia Mack McCoolOLIVIA'SMaplewoodletsgetolivias.com | @letsgetoliviasImy local meal delivery service to solve created a busy family's problem of what shall we make fordinner.TruetoaLIBRA ,I likemyenviron-ment to be aesthetically pleasing. I carry that throughinmybusinessofmakingtheentire experiencespecialfrommywebsiteandsocial mediatolabelingandpackaging.I Amy Engel loveseeingpeople'sfaceslight up when the big white bag of JESPY HOUSE foodarrives.Librasalsotend 76 South Orange Avenue, #205, South Orange to be good with people and 973.437.3770 | jespyhouse.org Inaturallyenjoyengaging with customers. By connect-M ysign,VIRGO, hasservedmewelliningdeeplywiththem,I've myworkatJESPYHousewherewegotten to form many wonder-supportadultswithIntellectualandful relationships. Developmental Disabilities. I am known to be detail oriented and hard working which enablesmetoeffectivelyleadateamoffive indevelopment,marketing,and communityrelations.Thisre-quiresmetojugglemultiple responsibilities,solveprob-lemsandexpressmyself clearly.Virgosalsohavea deep sense of humanity and it'sthattraitthatspursmy unwaveringsupportofthe people we serve.Bethany Pettigrew, Guada Bas & Holly BengeSTUDIO 509509 Valley Street, Maplewood973.275.0509 | studio509fitness.comA s business owners of a fitness studio, we have found successbyrecognizingandrespectingeach others gifts and strengths. Our signs, which are consecutive, may explain the synergy of our trio. Guada,theAQUARIUS ,isfullofenergy,fillingwhatever needsariseandcalmlyadaptingtochanges.Bethany,a SAGITTARIUS ,isalwaysinmotionandoftentakesanabstract idea were floating around and quickly creates a concrete plan of action to bring it to life. As aCAPRICORN , Holly brings a grounding element to the trio. When changes or conflicts arise, she encourages the group to take a beat and consider all angles before acting. Our three innate natures have helped us maintain a strong friendship that is generally in sync. It has truly has been the secret sauce to our partnership and business. 28/ matters magazine / fall 2024"