b'andtookthe touroutdoors and online. Thisyear, thetourwill takeplace theweekend ofNov.2-3 from11a.m. to5p.m.Its managedbya planning com-mittee of eight artists.Jenn Malone,chairReecceessssHawks Tavern by Manman Huang. She will be exhibiting at Rofthetour,1978 Art Center.says, The mis- Hsion of the studio tour is primarily tooffering scholarships for [five] highHaassBBeeeenncreate a marketplace for local artistsschool kids and waiving the [regis-to sell their work and secondarily totration] fee for them and mentoringUUppggrraaddeedd!!assist artists by providing program- them on how to show and partici- -Swimming Lessons Year Round- ming. The latter includes seminarspatewithprofessionalartists.She such as a particularly useful one thatadds, One of our greatest patrons, taught artists how to organize theirPat Bell, just passed away, and were artwork digitally. naming the scholarship in her mem- Small Fun & SurvivalPutting the tour together takes aory.TofurtherstrengthentheirClass Gentle First lot of work, so each member of thecommunityoutreach,shesaysthe SizesTeaching Method committee has a discrete area of re- tour is also waiving fees for five art- 333 Elmwood Ave, Maplewood, NJsponsibility. As the fundraising chair,ists in SOMA to make it possible for 201-645-1300|www.BritishSwimSchool.comWendy Bellerman is in charge of re- them to participate.cruiting sponsors to the event. MagieCertainly,thetourisgrowing McGowanhandlessocialmediatoevery year with such a large num-draw artists and visitors alike. Andberofartistsexhibiting.Malone someonehastomanageandcom- says, There are a lot of local collec-municatewiththeartists,sothatstors. I think awareness of the tourFULLY INSURED LIC: 13VH12858300the job of Denise Hardie. has increased, so we have gotten aPAINTING CARPENTRYMalone explains that this year forwider audience. They expect about the first time, Studio Tour SOMA is1,000 people to attend but are al- & GUTTERSINTERESTED IN UPGRADING YOURGUTTERS FROM 5 INCH TO 6 INCH?GET READY FOR WINTERAluminum Copper & ColorsK-Style & Half RoundWith 6 inch gutters and 3"X 4" downspouts you canhandle rain water more efficientlyNEED TO CLEAN YOUR GUTTERS? NOT A PROBLEM!WE DO INSTALLATIONREPAIR & SERVICECALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE(973) 951-06061980 SPRINGFIELD AVE SUITE 9A, MAPLEWOOD NJ 07040TO TO GO TO SAVE WEBSITE CONTACT Drinks with a Friend oil painting by Jenn Malone. She will be exhibiting at 1978 Artwww.xhrishomeimprovements.com info@xhrismail.comCenter.feature story /35'