b"Ann LaskowskiCOLDWELL BANKER REALTY145 Maplewood Avenue, Maplewood917.586.3018 | laskowskiandco.com A s a realtor, I am focused both on the details andthebigpictureofmyclientsreales-tate needs so I can provide them with solid guidance. These traits align with mySCORPIOsign. Iam bold when I need to be, facing chal-lengeshead-ontohavepositiveoutcomes.And myhardworkandresourcefulnesshelpme Dana Siomkos unearth hidden gems that fuel my BIGWIG clientsloyalty.IdoeverythingI Maplewood can for those who put their trust inme,changingdirectionas@heybigwig | heybigwig.comsituations evolve and provid-ing constant support to help E verything I do professionally is geared aroundclientsachievetheirreal people and supporting them. I've always hadestategoalsandthrivein empathy for others which is reflective of mytheir new homes.CANCERsign. As the owner of You & Them, a full-service people and talent company, I started a meet-up to seek the support and guidance of other small businessowners.Isoonrealizedthatmanyothers needed a local, entrepreneurial network to provide professional education, business growth and person-alsupport.Ihavesinceformalized BIGWIG as a company that har-nesses the collective power of SOMA entrepreneurs to drive everyone's business success. It bringsmeprofoundjoytosee people achieving their goals.www.njballetschool.com Maria Kowroski7-9 Vreeland Rd. Florham Park, NJ 07932Artistic Director973-597-9600 | info@njballet.org32/ matters magazine / fall 2024"