b'Connecting Artists with their CommunityStudio Tour SOMA returns for its 21 styearBY ELLEN DONKERClockwise from top left: Judy Targan creates "fantasy landscapes" with oil paints on wood; Kennis Baptiste specializes in drawing, mixed media and painting; Helena Chywski translates her synesthetic experiences into visual art; Cat Delett is a painter who will be showing acrylic, watercolor and mixed media; Leslie Goldman of Wild Cherry Art is a fine artist known for her exuberant, vibrant artworks; Tim McCarthy of Design Haus Gallery I aspecializes in abstract expressionism and mixed media; Ben Niles creates mixed-media paintings. been an annual event since 2003, when it was run ts intriguing to get an inside view of neigh- door to you or down the street. Other creatives bors homes. Seeing how people use theirwill show their art in one of six public spaces. ThebytheSouthOrangeDepartmentofArtsand spaces, how they paint the walls and deco- event will feature 110 artists.Culture to celebrate the extraordinary diversity of rate their rooms is interesting, especially inArtist Sumana Ghosh-Witherspoon, who spe- culture and aesthetic interests that tie our com-community whose houses are decidedlycializes in block printing and mixed media, says,munities together. Twenty artists displayed their not cookie-cutter. Its probably why peopleI had always heard of SOMAs vibrant art com- art that first year. will flock to a neighbors open house to getmunity, so when I moved here I was able to joinWith time comes change, though, and by the a peek when it goes on the market.that community by taking part in this two-dayend of 2019 the artists found their event had no A different kind of open house will take placeevent. Its inspiring to show people what Ive beenhome. Believing in the importance of holding a in our towns in November. Theres no need to beworking on and tell them in person a bit about myfunction that connects friends of the arts with vi-shy about going, because were all invited. Calledprocess. The studio tour really gives collectors andsual artists, a committee chaired by Jennifer Crohn Studio Tour SOMA, its a chance to see the homeart enthusiasts a chance to connect with the artiststhatincludedLeslieGoldman,SybilArchibald studios of local artists and the art they make. Whoand appreciate their work on a deeper level. and Wendy Bellerman saved the event. When the knows? One of the artists might even live nextNow in its 21 styear, Studio Tour SOMA haspandemic struck, members got even more creative 34/ matters magazine / fall 2024'