b"Book Report Explore Matters Magazine's story topics with these booksThe Art Thief by By Any Other NameWacky Zacky Bugs OutA Walk in the Park byWhen Women Ran Michael Finkel by Jodi Picoult written by TaranaKevin Fedarko Fifth Avenue by Julie ArealA playwright realizes thePeaches; illustratedWhen the au- Satow can-you- deskisstackedagainstby Henrique C.thorandhisIn the mid-century heyday believe- women in theater, so sheRampazzo bestfriendoftheU.S.department this tale ofsubmitsherworkunderLocal authorsetouttostore, whose names con-true crimea male pseudonym. It soPeaches,traversealltinue to resonateBonwit regardinghappens that her play con- alongtime750milesofTeller, Lord themostcerns her distant ancestor,s c i e n c etheGrand&Taylor, p r o l i f i cEmilia Bassano, who, thist e a c h e r,Canyon,theyunderes- Henri Ben-artthiefofalltime.Overbook speculates, sold herbringsthetimatedhowharrowingdelmen thecourseofadecade,earliestworkstoanun- classroomtolifeinthistheadventurewouldbe.owned the StphaneBreitwieserknown playwright nameddelightfulpicturebookWithcandidinsightandbuildings, committed200heistsofWilliamShakespeare.Pi- thatintroducesSTEMgallowshumor,Fedarkobutwom-increasingelaborationofcoultexaminesthesac- themesinanaccessiblerecountstheirterrifyingenrantheshow.Satow artworksworthnearly$2rifices required to createway. Zacky, a young inven- butawe-inspiringsaga,lovinglyspotlightsthree billionand stored themart,memorablybringingtor creeped out by bugs,reflecting on the exquisitewomenwhosetenac-in his mothers attic. FinkelaforgottencreatestheCoolCritterbeauty and hidden magicityandbusinesssense profilesthismadgenius,womanfromCatcher,beforerealizingof the natural wonder, andblazed a trail and in many an otherwise ordinary guyElizabethana world without bugs hasthe attempts to preserveways guided the direction who wanted to surroundEnglandtomore consequences thanit from tourist-minded de- of American fashion in the himself with beauty. light.he realized. velopers. 20th century.298 Walton Avenue, South Orange | 973-762-0230 | sopl.org22/ matters magazine / fall 2024"