b'StatesParachute A s s o c i a t i o n 2023surveyre-sults,only14 percentofsky-diversidentify as female. Curtis became a highly accomplished skydiver and has since been a part of several signifi- Melanie Curtis takes a specialty jump over the Palm in Dubai. cantworldre- Photo by Juan Mayer.cord-breaking achievements. One of her most notable accomplishments was in November 2022. Project 19 involved 100 skydivers who created the larg-est all-female vertical formation skydive. This initiative not only celebrated women in skydiving, it honored the 100 thanniversary of the 19th Amend- Curtis was part of Project 19, involving 100 skydivers who created the largest all-female vertical formation skydive in honor of the 100th anniversary of the 19th ment and the womens suffrage movement. Amendment. Photo by Ewan Cowie.With her skydiving career at its peak, Curtis realized that as much as she loved the sport and being an extreme athlete, perhaps there was somethingmetaphor, her keynote speeches focus on overcoming fear, building emo-more. She dusted off her proverbial copy of What Color Is Your Parachute andtional resilience, and fostering deep human connections.asked herself the same question that her 20-something-self had answered soCurtiss likability is off the charts. She leads without judgment. She doesnt many years ago. take herself too seriously. Her charm is undeniable. Yet, her approach is not The answer surprised her. What if she could turn her life-changing expe- for the faint of heart. She will guide you through a 75 Hard challenge (join riences into an opportunity to be courageously vulnerable, to be seen andher WhatsApp Accountability Group) and no topic or goal is off limits. heard, and to do it from a place of service to help others? Amy Lynn-Cramer is a freelance writer, former publicist, and founder of Cramer With that vision in mind, she expanded her coaching practice and becameConnect. A culture changer at heart, she is a career coach, but most importantly, an advocate for the psychedelic healing movement. By using skydiving as ashes the head of Team Cramer, based out of Maplewood. PRESENTING THE 13TH ANNUAL 10 Days of Films, Conversations, Events,and Panels You Wont Want to MissOPENING NIGHT FILM IN CONVERSATIONCREATOR SPOTLIGHT CLOSING NIGHT FILM CONCLAVE INA GARTEN THE VALUE OF THE PIANO LESSONFriday, October 18 Sunday, October 20CREATOR CONTENT Sunday, October 27 The Wellmont The WellmontMKA Upper SchoolFriday, October 25 Q&A with Director Edward Berger Moderated by Stephen Colbert MKA Upper School Q&A with award winnersQ&A with Creator Michelle Khare John David Washington andTickets go on sale to Montclair Film Director Malcolm Washington. Members on September 30, and to the general public on October 4 Moderated by Stephen ColbertBecome a Montclair Film Member for early accessTickets on sale at MontclairFilm.orgto special events and discounts on ticketsThis program is made possible with funds from the New Jersey Department of State, Division of Travel and Tourism, as well as the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts. The Montclair Film Festival is supported in part with a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.20/ matters magazine / fall 2024'