b'JOIN US AT OURDANCE PARTY FUNDRAISERFRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2024IF YOU DARE.TICKETS $40So you want to. be CURIOUS, get CREATIVE, make a CHANGE or have anADVENTURE.WE HAVE A FALL2024 CLASS FOR THAT.longLearningHaniel Rosemond, DDS, MAGDGeneral DentistBuilt in 1952, the once-somber house now offers a warm welcome, here from itsDavia Strachan, DDSfour-legged residents, Trixie and Truffles. Theres also the emotional hug designerPediatric DentistMishell prescribes as a key ingredient in successful home decorating. Spec. Permit 4041was closed. Mishell reports. In keeping with herSame Day Dentistry & Emergencies WelcomeAfter spending 10 years rethink- determination to make the house en- Early Morning and Evening Appointments Availableing the South Orange house, Mishellvironmentally relevant, she includedGeneral DentistryInvisalignImplantsand her attorney husband, Matt, hadimprovements such as radiant floorEarly Dental Care for BabiesPediatric Dentistrya new vision for their homelife: it hadheating, foam insulation, and high- Call us to schedule your next appointment to include a pool. So again they calledefficiencywindows.Everythingin(973) 762-2660on Maggie, who had become a closethe house was given careful consid- southorangedentalcenter.comfriendaswellasrealestateadvisor.eration, Mishell points out.481 SOUTH ORANGE AVENUE,SOUTH ORANGE, NJ 07079Biding time while they looked togeth- Otherdesigndetailsinclude er for a house to fit Mishell and Mat- recessedbaseboards,hiddendoor thewsevolvinglifestyle,theVuolohinges, flush-mount doors and win-family, now including two daughtersdows, and special attention paid to and two dogs, crowded into a two- lightingfixtures.Lightingistruly bedroom apartment in South Orange.the jewelry of the home, she says. I It was a long year while Mishell andwant the house to feel curated, with Maggie waited for the just-so house to come on the market. In 2022 they finally found it on Ridgewood Road.Builtintheearly50s, evocativeofSwiss-French architectLeCorbusiersno-nonsense sculptural style, the RidgewoodRoadhousehas alwaysstoodoutagainstitsUNDERGRADUATE neighborhoodoftraditional colonial and farmhouse-styleOPEN HOUSEhomes. No wonder, as Mag-gie says, Its the house every-one wanted to get invited to. Come See What Great Minds Can Do.Now,afterayear-plus inMishellsinspiredhands, theres a lot more to see. AndOCTOBER 20NOVEMBER 24alsoalotofimprovements behind the scenes.www.shu.edu/openhouseWhile some people wantA specialist in lightingIts the jewelry of a flowers for Mothers Day, inroomMishell hand-picked the collection of hanging lights and wall sconces that brightens 2022 I wanted a demo crew,every room in the house.feature story /13'