b"Kelly Lombardi & Bonnie RamseyTANDEM REAL ESTATE GROUPCompass, 1200 Morris Turnpike, Short Hills973.991.9954 | tandemnj.comO urrealestatepartnershipthrivesonour compatibility. Kelly, as aPISCES , brings a deep sense of intuition and empathy, often under-standing people on a profound level. This makes her an insightful and thoughtful leader who values con-nection and collaboration. Bonnie, aLIBRA , complements this with her natural sense of balance and diplomacy. Libras are excellent at seeing all sides of a situation, making Bonnie great at mediating,negotiating,andmaintainingharmonyinthebusiness.Together,we create a dynamic duo where intuition meets strategy, fueling us to serve clients and navigate challenges with both emotional intelligence and a clear, balanced perspective.Dr. L. Dawn ChristianVILLAGE DENTAL GROUP71 Valley Street, Suite 101, South Orange973.761.4800 | southorangedentist.comISAGITTARIUStrait and, as a dentist, it comes in am curious about what makes people tick. It's a handysinceIspendmydayswithpatients.I enjoy building relationships with them and, after 26 years in my practice, am now seeing some of my patients' grandchildren. I also spend a lot of time in my headbrainstormingsolu-Danielle Ward tionstoproblems,whether ENCOMPASS PARENT SOLUTIONS it be a sewing project, fixing Maplewood someones mouth or running 973.865.3595 | encompassparent.com mydentalbusiness.I'mable to visualize results. In dentistry, A s a parent advocate, families come to methis enables me to work out when their child is in crisis and strugglingthe steps to a treatment plan in school. They depend on me to under- and present it to my patient.stand their situation and find solutions, which is whatPISCESare known to do. It's a call-ing for me to be able to help parents navigate the special education process to get their child theneededsupportandre-sources. I act as a sounding board and mediator to teach themhowtoadvocatefor their child. I can also connect them with my vast network of expert resources, My proudest moment is when a parent calls to tell me about a win.whats your sign? /29"