b'thatsummer. The first week we askedthekidsto filmthemselves, andwemadea movie,andit wasallvirtual. Wehiredanad-ditionalhelperto managebreakout sessions on Zoom, ensuring that each camperreceived the attention they needed.Thesec-ondweek,we usedmusicfromFrieda Hafif and Rush Madera practice their parts in othersourcesand"Matchmakers in Maui." did a cabaret-style, socially distanced karaoke setup in athecamperswerestillhavingfun. backyard. We wiped the microphoneSaidonecamper,TheUltimate aftereachsceneandsong,saysPlay-Date is amazing. On days you Boerger. want to stay in bed, it gets you out. BoergerandGirtonMarshallAt first, you dread the moment you weredelightedtobeabletobringget out of your p.j.s and go outside, local kids into the world of theater.but then you see all your friends and They were surprised at how good itread your script.madethemfeel,too.GirtonMar- Realizingtheneedforamore shallsays,Itgaveusasenseofsuitable venue, Boerger and Girton normalcy. They were able to createMarshall spent significant time plan-an oasis as the pandemic happenedning. By July 2022, they secured a around them. At least one organizerspaceatSt.AndrewsChurchinSeton Hall Universityofanothercamptooknotice.AnSouth Orange. St. Andrews offered adultfromanothercampcalledusus a great deal, but we needed moreHall Homecoming and Family Weekendto ask how we were doing it, sayscounselors and an adult on site forNov 1-4, 2024Girton Marshall. insurancereasons,saysBoerger. The challenges of running a the- Theirparentssteppedin,working ater camp during complicated timesremotelyfromthechurchandoc-didntstopthere.WhenHurricanecasionallysneakingintotheback Ida hit in 2021, Boerger and Girtonof the auditorium to take photos or Marshall faced additional obstacles.videos.Theyhostedafour-dayin-personThe new venue allowed the Ulti-campatGirtonMarshallshouse,mate Play-Date to grow, employing buttranspor-tationissues, masks,andill-nessesamong several key par-ticipantsmade it difficult. Ul-timately, Oonas mom had to be intheshow.ItCome join our community for a weekend filled with fun and Pirate Pride!washard,re- www.shu.edu/homecomingcalls Boerger.Despitethe challengesof thehurricaneL to R: Grace Hoppe, Primrose Domanski and Henley Lantz andpandemicpractice a scene welcoming guests to a luxury hotel. feature story /45'