b"Jacqueline Hendy & Anastasia KinsellaKH TEAMColdwell Banker Realty, Maplewood201.522.9920 | kinsellahendy.comedA s partners in real estate, our values and goals are aligned 100 percent, making for a powerful busi-ness relationship. While Anastasia, the, SAGITTARIUSis dynamic and assertive, she is complement-by Jackie who has theGEMINItraits of intelligence and quiet thoughtfulness. We each approach situations in different ways, enabling us to collaborate and find the best solution for a family. Clients tell us that because we are great listeners, we sense nuance and address what they really need. And they like how our sense of humor and quick thinking help diffuse emotionally-charged situations to keep the process moving ahead. We find joy in what we do, knowing that our hard work can change the course of someone's life for the better.Anne ServittoKELLER WILLIAMS MID-TOWN DIRECT181 Maplewood Avenue, Maplewood917.224.5422 | anneservitto@gmail.comALEO , I love bringing people together. In real s a estate, I enjoy a meeting of the minds where all the playersclients, attorneys, and other agentswork together to find the best solutions. My clients know that I care deeply about them and work hard to help them reach their goals, whether theyre buyingorselling.Andeventhoughourbusinessis serious, they welcome my ability to lighten the mood Wadeeha Jackson with humor. I take pride in being DIRECTLEAF aleaderformyclients,guid-Maplewood | directleaf.co ingthemwithagameplan everystepsotheyknow Sminority-ownedVIRGO . These traitswhats coming next. It helps tarting a business in a highly regulated industrylessenthestressandposi-requires me to be organized and detail-orient- tions me as a trusted partner ed, qualities associated with awho will bring them through have been key in helping me launch DirectLeaf,a successful transaction.a womencannabis delivery service, proudlyapprovedbytheNJCannabisRegulatory Commission. Ive harnessed my analytical strengths toworkcloselywithregulatorsandindustrylead-ers, building efficient systems, adhering to stringent regulations, and addressing the tech-nology and operational needs of li-censed dispensary operators. In an ever-evolvingindustrylikecanna-bis, Ive had to balance my pursuit ofperfectionwiththeabilityto quickly adapt to change, a lesson thathasbeeninstrumentalto my growth as a business owner.whats your sign? /31"