b'ADVICE FROM THE DESIGN PROYour home should hug you when you walk in the door Mishell Vuolo, Founder of MV by Design1.The most important design consideration in any room is how you want that room to make you feel.2.The quickest and most economical way to add drama to a room is paint.3.When painting a room, always consider the 5th wall (ceiling). Rarely do I paint a ceiling white with color on the walls.4.Dont keep Aunt Suzies piece just because it was given to you. If it doesnt bring you joy, donate it.5.Lighting is truly the jewelry of your home. Always include good lighting in the budget.6.A home should feel like it has evolved and not been designed in a day.Top: The pool house doors fold back on both sides, inviting the outdoors inside all year round. Theres even a hidden door, leading to a private studio where Mishell creates her personal works of art.Bottom: A swimming pool ranked high on the most-wanted list when the Vuolo family decided to downsize their home space and upgrade their lifestyle.No job isWere a too big or LET US BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME family-ownedtoo small. business.We Specialize InRoofingChimneysSidingDrivewaysWalkwaysStoopsPatiosConstruction &Installation Repair & Remodeling MaintenanceWe can repair or We excel at masonry We service residential install anything! homes in Northern NJCALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATElicense #13VH125831001 Washington St, Morristown 973-847-6436 platinumshomeimprovements.comfeature story /17'