b'Events That Matter FFaallllSouth Orange SymphonyOctober 27 3 PM Free Fall Concert: Brahms 4th Symphony in E MinorDETAILS South Orange Middle School, 70 North Ridgewood Road, South Orange; southorangesymphony.comSOMA Chamber of CommerceOctober 313:30 PM SOMA Chamber of Horrors Halloween Parade: A Maplewood tradition with a DJ,photo booth and prizes for the best costumes Campers from 2023\'s summer program, "Unwanted Items."DETAILSMaplewood Village, Maplewood; somachamber.orgSeton Hall University five counselors and accommodatingschool.Wherevertheyland,these more students. young women are sure to bring their November 1-3 Seton Hall HomecomingForBoergerandGirtonMar- SOMA-inspired theater acumen and and Family Weekend: South Orange/Maplewoodshall,growingtheirprogrampre- interest in helping kids with them.neighbors invited to join some big Pirate fun sentedmoreopportunitiestohelpAlthoughBoergerandGirton their campers. Sometimes we get aMarshallarelookingforwardto DETAILSSeton Hall University, 400 South Orange Avenue, South Orange; events.shu.edu/alumni/event/35405-hall- student who doesnt want to sing ortheir transition to the larger world homecoming-family-weekend Seton Hall Homecoming dance, but they always come aroundoutside SOMA, they leave us with eventually,saysGirtonMarshall.fresh young theater enthusiasts and Maplewood Garden Club The camps environment encouragesan enriched community. Says Ulti-November 4 7:30 PM How Grim Gardens Haveall kids to find their place on stage. mate Play-Date parent Farah Miller, In the summer of 2023, BoergerI think this is the most Ive smiled Inspired Mystery Writers: featuring Marta McDowellandGirtonMarshallintroducedinmonthsalittlereminderthat of the New York Botanical Garden acommunityserviceelement.Af- teen girls can save us all.DETAILSThe Woodland, 60 Woodland Road, Maplewood;ter their usual Friday night perfor- If you are interested in next sum-maplewoodgardenclub.org mance,thecampersperformedformersofferingsforTheUltimate Marta McDowell free at Winchester Gardens on Sat- Play-Date,checkoutultimateplay-Friends of the South Orange Publicurday, delighting the residents. date.com. Library BoergerandGirtonMarshallAdrianna Donat, a freelance copywrit-November 1610AM-5PM ;November 171-4PM heldtwoone-weekcampsessionser and mother of two, still twitches at this summer. The first week featuredthe suggestion of using glitter. But she Holiday Jewelry Sale: Proceeds pay for new booksan original show called Matchmak- loved diving into the delightful com-and library servicesers, set in Maui. The second weeksmotion of he Ultimate Play-Date The-DETAILSBaird Community Center, 5 Mead Street, South Orange;show,UnwantedItems,featuredater Campproof that SOMA high sopl.org/friends-of-sopl Holiday Jewelry Sale characters as lost or no longer use- schoolers can turn pandemic boredom ful items, with creative costumes thatinto Broadway dreams.Achieve Foundation added to the fun.November 237PM PollockPalooza:four localAsBoergerand bands (headlined by Essex Funk Collective) raiseGirtonMarshallpre-funds for Achieves Pollock Arts Initiative paretograduatefrom MontclairKimberley DETAILSThe Woodland, 60 Woodland Road, maplewood;acheivefoundation.org Academy,theyreflect PollockPalooza ontheirjourneyand The Theater Project theimpacttheUlti-mate Play-Date has had November 308PM Its a Wonderful Life: Theontheirlives.Boerger Radio Play: 12 adults, five kids, a musician and oneisconsideringbusiness extremely overworked sound technician prepare forprogramsatschools the big radio broadcast of the story made famous inwithactiveartistic the Frank Capra filmcommunities.Girton DETAILSOakes Center, 120 Morris Avenue, Summit.Marshall hopes to find thetheaterproject.org Its a Wonderful Life a music and education Charlotte Boerger with Tala Thompson after the pro-program at a Californiaduction in summer 2023.46/ matters magazine / fall 2024'