b'THE SLATE ROOFPROFESSIONALSSlate, Tile, Copper & Shingle ChimneysRoof Repair, Replacement MasonryYankee Gutters CarpentryHistoric Restorations Slate & Tile Roofs CleanedClimb the new stair tower and youll find yourself under a shower of gilded lily pads, another of Mishells bright lighting ideas.boundaries between the interior andSo she urged Mishell to open her exterior. As she says, This biophilicnewlyredesignedhomesoothers designallowsforabundant naturallight,freshair,anda harmoniousrelationshipwith the outdoors.Harmoniousisalsothe rightwordforthemusical poolside party that consecrated the Vuolos new home in mid-September.ItwasMaggies idea, inspired, she says, by theDETAILS MAKE THE DIFFERENCEsupportive,appreciativere-lationship that had developedSlate roofs are durable and long-lasting, with a lifetime of 100+ between client and realtor overyears. All slate roofs require 16 oz. copper ashing in valley areas, the years. I wanted to supportYankee gutters, chimney and dormer sidewalls. Our slate roof experts andcelebrateMishellstalentare state certied and will enhance the beauty and life of your roof. and expertise. She says she also was struck by the very conceptCALL FOR AN ESTIMATEof women supporting women,973 857 7300 SlateRoofProfessionals.comof women being better togeth-er by supporting each other inJust as the designer planned it, light flowsLocally owned and operated | License #13VH087throughout the house, so the inside blends life and work. seamlessly with the outdoor space.feature story /15'