b"Swapping One GreatNeighborhood for AnotherWorking with Jennifer McManusBY ELLEN DONKERD I N G H ONL:R: Michelle, Jona- Mthan, Susan (Nagler's Imom), Shira, Dan,EFand Aviva (front).M ichelleNaglerandDaning a large kitchen, for example, it had the space they Cook knew for a while thatneeded. They could also do the renovations gradually. theyhadoutgrowntheirHe says, I think [McManus] understood that this is the house in Maplewood. Whatway to get this house, and then we can do the work ei-hadseemedperfectwhenther immediately or soon. In the end, Nagler says, We theywereexpectingtheirthought it was kind of perfect.firstchildin2008becameThe couple put in an offer and won the house. Cook cramped when their family expanded to five, plus a dog.says, She helped us through that process. She was just Their three-bedroom Colonial was bursting at the seams. great. I just felt like she did it with such ethics and such Althoughthecouplelongedformorespace,theygrace and such calm. It never felt uncomfortable.couldnt bear the thought of leaving their neighborhoodWith that decision made, it was time to ready their on Arcularius Terrace in Maplewood. And then COVIDhouse on Arcularius for sale. Nagler says, Shes a power-happened, Nagler says. We were like, were not going anywhere. We justhouse in selling a house. Shes nonstop. McManus convinced the couple to love it. We love our neighborhood. Its too important to be near people thathave the house staged. She filmed videos that showcased the neighborhood, were close to. including its proximity to Orchard Park, the coffee shop up the street and Just in case they would consider moving, a friend recommended they talkchildren playing on their front lawns. She even made a video from the point to realtor Jennifer McManus. Nagler made the call, telling McManus thatof view of their dog to show how pet friendly the area is.they would only consider moving within Maplewood. She says, Jen was real- Cook says, I have a reputation among my friends as being very laid back, ly patient. She saw my house, and she talked to us about it. She was like, Well,very chill, [but] the idea of moving and selling and buying the house totally let me know. Whenever you decide, certainly Id be happy to help you. stressed me out. Jen was not part of that stress at all. He adds, For those few Two or three years went by with McManus checking in or sending list- months, Jen just became part of our family to make it work.ings, but nothing swayed them. Cook says, We were in this spot where aAnd work it did. The couple received six bids on their house, selling for house that we thought would be better enough than our old house, we prob- more than they anticipated. ably couldnt afford it. So we felt stuck. Jen, I think, sort of understood thatNow that the Nagler-Cook family has been we were in this conundrum of what to do.in the new house since January, theyve come to Then, last fall, Nagler says, She sent us a listing for a house. She was like,appreciate it even more. Theres lots of space. What about this one? Its on the Crescents. That streets incredible. Its asIt has beautiful old details, which I love, says beautiful as your house on Arcularius. There are really good people there. INagler.Thewindowsarespectacular,the think youd be really happy.moldingsaregreat,andthefloorswereper-The family toured the house, with McManus creating a story of how thefect. They also love their new neighborhood, home could work for them, imagining how they would utilize each room.including the families, the annual block party Nagler said that McManus was telling their youngest about the wildlife inand the proximity to Memorial Park.the backyard and making the house feel like something that Aviva could liveThe family is grateful to McManus for her in, because moving would mean she would be farther from her best friend,patience,insightandprofessionalism.Nagler who was two doors down from her.says, We were really only going to move for theJennifer McManus helped the Nagler/Cook family find Cook explains that although the house didnt check all the boxes, includ- perfect situation. And Jen knew what it was.the right home.finding home /43"