b'CULTIVATINGGROWTHFar Brook Schoolsnew garden inspireslearning and discoveryBY AMY LYNN-CRAMERI magine being a second grader at Far Brookcycles of nature and the interdependence of all liv- laborated with Peterson on the project. Kaleido-School in Short Hills. After Morning Meet- ing things. It engages students in hands-on learn- scope helps develop school gardens and provides ing,yourFrenchteacherleadsyouanding, teaching them responsibility, patience and thesupport services to make those gardens a successful your classmates down the outdoor path torewards of nurturing something from seed to har- component of the schools campus, says Adams. le jardin (the garden), where you pick upvest. They discover the importance of healthy foodThrough planting seeds, nurturing seedlings, and a pelle (shovel), unearth carottes (carrots),choices, environmental stewardship and many ofobserving seasonal plant growth, students gain a and harvest fresh pinards (spinach). Then,the sciences that explain our natural world. meaningfulunderstandingofchangeandenvi-you settle onto the carefully placed benches andThe school broke ground on the garden last stumps, surrounded by nature, to enjoy a snackJune and completed it by September. Designed grown by your own hands. by Hadley Peterson of Hadley Peterson Landscape FarBrookSchoolsnewteachinggardenisDesign in Summit, the project was inspired by the intentional. An extension of the private schoolsschools emphasis on a culture of freedom of play, 1948 founding mission, the garden serves to en- says Peterson. To reflect this philosophy, Peterson gage the children in planning, creating and car- designed the garden organically, placing rocks at ing for the space, thus enriching their educationalthe center, while allowing the surrounding plants journey. to grow and evolve naturally. Prioritizing nature A school garden is so much more than just aover formality, the design fosters a sense of sponta-space to grow plants, says Amy Ziebarth, head ofneity that matches the schools environment.school at Far Brook. Its a living classroom whereTobyAdamsandAlexandraForrester,co-children learn firsthand about sustainability, thefoundersofKaleidoscopeGardenDesign,col- Students learn French while gardening.12/ matters magazine / hearth + home 2025'