b'of the horrors of the Holocaust, andand friends so that they will feel im-we know all too well that if we dopassioned and empowered to stand not teach about history, then historyside by side with us, as we say: never is destined to repeat itself, says Rab- again. bi Olitzky. And so our goalourDonnyLevitisawriter,theaterdi-taskis to make sure that we arentrector, and radio DJ living in Atlan-justteachingmembersoftheJew- ta with his wife, two kids, and two ish community about our past, thisdogs. Catch his radio shows on IG at terrible stain on human history, but@jazzmonsters and @newishradio.that we are educating our neighbors Using Legos to Teach About the HolocaustBASS FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC A lmost 20 years ago, Maplewood architect Stephen Schwartz Treatment and Rehabilitation for attended a program at the Holocaust Council of the Unit-HeadachesNeck PainBack Pain ed Jewish Communities of Metrowest. He met Sylvia Ben Sports/Gym-Related Injuries Asher, a survivor of the Holocaust who shared her story at a Disc ProblemsPinched Nerves lunch and learn event. Schwartz pitched a collaborative project to Ben Asher, whose nickname Auto InjuriesPregnancy-Related Aches is Nessa, the Hebrew word for miracle. I explained to Nessa that I have a way of teaching people about subjects through the Most Insurance Plans Accepted use of Lego building blocks, says Schwartz. I asked Our hours are Mon - Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.DR. WAYNE BASS her if it was possible that she could help me develop a map of the Warsaw Ghetto, and I could do a two-491B Valley Street, Maplewood973-378-BASS (2277)BassFamilyChiro.com hour Lego program where we would actually build the wall around the large ghetto.Come Celebrate WhileSchwartzworkedwiththestudentson building, Ben Asher would explain her experiences as Irish American ateenagerwhorescued Stephen Schwartz Heritage Month Jewsmany children uses Legos to teach from the Warsaw Ghet- youth about various to. Disguised as a Chris- subjects.St. Patricks Day tian, she secretly transported children out of the ghetto and entrusted them to non-Jewish fami-Monday, March 177lies. She also rescued her father, but her mother Open at 8 a.m. . and sister were sent to the extermination camp in Treblinka. I remember everything, she says. Experience the best of It is so important to remember. Irelands Pub traditions At first, Ben Asher would say very little while Family FriendlySylvia Ben Asher, HolocaustSchwartz began the project with the students. Good Cheer survivor, when she turned 100 years old. She is now 101. But as she watched the children work with him Dine with us on mapping out the ghetto, she would chime in with specific street names she would recall. Once you got her going, she FIRESIDE would just take over. She would get these kids so engrossed in her story that it was amazing, says Schwartz.Authentic Irish Cuisine, Irish Coffee, Fine Wines When I spoke to the children, and Irish Whiskey worthy of Celtic Kings somechildrenunderstood.And May your thirst for life never run dry some dont understand, says Ben Asher. But I finish always [by tell-167 Maplewood Avenue ingthem]listen,sweetchildren. Maplewood Village 973-378-2222 Wemustthinkaboutthis.You have wonderful schools. You have a ST. JAMESS GATE APPAREL AND GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE Stephen Schwartz and Sylvia Ben Asherwonderful theater. You have every-stjamesgatemaplewood.com taught youth about the Holocaust bything wonderful. But who knows? having them use Legos to map out the Warsaw Ghetto. Something can happen. 28/ matters magazine / hearth + home 2025'