b'John and Cathy Knapp are fixtures at St. Jamess Gate in Maplewood Village.John Knapp #118 as he was knownTheir backyard wedding celebra-aroundherWallStreetoffice,theirtionwasthefirstofmanyevents conversations about municipal bondsthey would host at their home (invit-eventually became personal. In 1994,ing neighbors they didnt yet know they bought a house together in Ma- well.)Althoughtheyonlyplanned plewood, drawn to its charm, proxim- to stay in Maplewood five years, they ity to family and welcoming vibe. quickly felt too attached to leave.CathywasaJerseygirlwhoseOvertheyears,Cathybecame grandfatherfoundedtheC.Kleinasuccessfulrealestateagent,and Real Estate and Insurance CompanyJohnnowretiredaneighbor-locatedinMaplewoodVillageinhood legend. (Ask him to tell you the 1920s. John, a Memphis native,the story about the time he fired a grew up in a close-knit community.young Memphis singer whose swiv-We had a real sense of caring foreling hips were too provocative for each other and being part of a team,the school dance.)John says. There was always some- A Masterclass in Making one showing up for dinner. PlansAs a couple without children to-gether, they knew that making newAt 86, John manages a busy so-friends a bit later in life required ef- cial calendar. He admits to still feel-fort, creativity and persistence. Johning like a kid on the inside, despite was57yearsold,Cathy41.Wethe wear and tear on his body. But wantedtobeinanareawherewehes not slowing down.could meet people, make friends andJohnMeadecanattesttothat. make a life with them, says Cathy.OnThursdays,bothJohnsmeet forlunchatthe Reservoirwith fellowoctogenar-iansaftertheir weeklytennis game,exchang-inggigglesand tripsdownmem-orylane,Meade says.Asowner ofSt.Jamess GatewhereJohn John Knapp celebrated his 85th birthday in Nashville withKnapp is a fixture his Maplewood fan club. L to R: John Knapp, Ken Siegel, Bob Ehinger, Gordon Beck, Phil Scott, Andrew Haines, Marksippingbeersor Haase, Frank Rimalovski, John Knapp, Jr. and Bill Harris. Irish coffee at the feature story /37'