b'Making Music for the Thrill of ItSouth Orange Symphony celebrates 75 years of a musical communityBY TIA SWANSONO nmostTuesdayeve- college. The oldest is more than 80. There are nodren to classical music. Last January, that program ningsforavery,very,try-outs. String players are always welcome. YoullincludedtheRaidersoftheLostArktheme, very long time, a mot- know by the end of the evening whether youvehighlightsfrom ley collection of cars hasgot the chops to stay, says principal violist Martinthe Pirates of the parkedalongthesideMarty Gelfond. Caribbeantheme of Ridgewood Road inThey play something for everyone, from seri- andProkofievs front of South Orangeous music for orchestra lovers to accessible piecesPeterandthe Middle School. The cars are reflective of the variedfor those learning to love what a big group of tal- Wolf.Thisyear, lives of the people who drive them: a Mini here, aented musicians can do. On a recent Tuesday, theSouthOrange family van there, a Toyota thats seen some miles,musicians were practicing a symphonic poem byVillagePresident a late model sedan.Franz Liszt, which they will play at the third andSheenaCollum What binds their drivers is neither occupation,last concert of the anniversary season on April 27wasaguestsolo-residence nor children. It is music. For 75 years,at 3 p.m. in the SOMS auditorium. They will alsoistonThe Type-professional,semi-professionalandseriousama- play Florence Prices Symphony No. 1 in E minor.writerbyLeroy teur musicians have gathered in South Orange onPrice was a black American whose symphony wonAnderson. Tuesday evenings to play music in the South Or- a top prize in 1932 and widespread acclaim whenGelfond,the ange Symphony. Theyve used the auditorium atit premiered in 1933 and then disappeared, dis- orchestrasgen-SOMS for more than 45 of those years.covered in an attic only 15 years ago. eralmanager,has There are 50 to 60 musicians in the orchestra,Last fall, the orchestra played Johannes Brahmsbeeninthesym-of all ages, shapes and sizes. All but a handful ofSymphonyNo.4.TheorchestraalsoholdsanphonysinceheSusan Haig has been the con-ductor for the South Orange them are volunteers. The youngest are just out ofannual family concert, intended to introduce chil- wasateenagerinSymphony since 2015.16/ matters magazine / hearth + home 2025'