b'The Right Agent for Many MovesWorking with Dennis HepworthBY ELLEN DONKERD I N G H ON MIF EJ im Kressler had no need of a realJim Kressler found the perfect place for himself and hisThat new place happens to be in Whitehouse estateagent.ButwhenhesawStation.Hesaysitjustfeltright.Helikedthe howhandilyDennisHepworthlayout, the price and the proximity to his aging soldhisfriendCindyshistoricmother. Another plus is that the complex is very home he thought this was a namedog friendly. The location is what he calls boonie-he should save in his mental fileadjacent. If you make a right-hand turn out of cabinet under just in case.here, youre hitting civilization, as I call it. If you It turns out that Kresslers impulses were spottwo dogs. He plans on staying put for a while. go left, its the boonies.on as a job change prompted a series of movesAfter Kressler attended the open house on a from 2017 through October 2024. Each time, hething on the market, like a Friday morning. I hadSundayafternoon,heimmediatelycalledHep-depended on Hepworths help. towalkthedogseighttimesthatday,becauseworthtotellhimaboutit.Hesentmethe The first move took Kressler from West Orangeeight people were coming over to see it, and thatcontracts, like 10:30 on Sunday night. The man to Charlotte, North Carolina, for a new positionwas before the open house, says Kressler.doesntsleep.Hecallsmeat9:00onMonday in his field of music programming for radio sta- By Sunday night Kressler had multiple offersmorning saying its yours.tions. Kressler says, Dennis had just sold anotherto review. He says, Dennis walked me throughKresslerappreciatesalltheworkthatHep-unit in my complex. I saw the way [that] for Cin- all the offers and what was the better one of all ofworth does behind the scenes. He gives you the dy and these clients he would go over and above.them to take because it wasnt the highest one, butcomps, says Kressler. He gives you the lay of the I mean, its just crazy what he would do for hishe pointed out why it would be the better one.land. Hell check on any kind of assessments that clients. And so there really was no other choice. Kressler relied on Hepworth to take care of all theare in the complex or anything thats gone wrong. KresslerhiredHepworthtosellhiscondo- details in order to have a smooth closing.He checks all the permits. I know theres things minium. The result, he notes, is that it sold fasterHecontinues,Hesgoodwiththeadvice.that he does that normal realtors dont do.and for 10 percent above what a neighbor receivedEven the realtors he deals with on the sellers side,After all the house hunting and transactions for her unit. Hepworth recommended a real estatethey just seem to know who he is, believe in himovertheyears. agent in Charlotte. Kressler bought a place thereand trust him. And I think thats the cornerstoneKresslerisglad intending to stay for a while. But then the pan- of this whole business. He just builds this amazingtofinallyfeelset-demic hit and Kressler found himself back in Newtrust with people. tledandsayshe Jersey,thistimeinatownhouseinBedminsterBecauseKresslerdidntknowwheretobuyhasnoplansto that he had seen only via Zoom. Again, Hepworthnext, he decided to rent for a time. He says, I justmove. Should that managed the transaction. kind of took a beat because I can be very impetu- change,hehas Kressler really did try to like the townhouse,ous. It was a good decision. It gave me the timeHepworthsnum-but after two years he knew it wasnt a fit andand the runway to find this place, which I fell inber.Justincase. Dennis Hepworth helped Jim asked Hepworth to help him sell it. We put thelove with the minute I walked in.Kressler with his many moves.finding home /33'