b'The Jennifer McManus TeamOVER $25 MILLION IN SALES IN 2024!Im proud to have been awarded the NJ REALTORS Platinum Level Circle ofExcellence Sales Award.Thinking of buying or selling? Id be honored to help you. Let the CALL Jennifer McManus Team JEN!GET YOU MOVING.L to R: Marty Gelfond, the orchestras general manager and principal violist; Joe Tornquist, concertmaster; and Janet Poland, president of the orchestras board.SOLD!West Orange. Fifty-odd years later,conductor since 2015. Haig grew up56 Pierson Road, Maplewood he drives from Manalapan each weekin a musical family in Summit andSP: $1,700,000to take his seat at the front of stagewas educated at Princeton and Stony(represented buyers)left. I love to do it, he says. TakingBrook. Although she was trained first note of a varied career that includedasa pianistand violist, shealwaysSOLD!a stint as a carwash owner, Gelfonddreamed of being a conductor and18 S Pierson Road, Maplewoodadds, Its an escape from everythinggot her PhD in conducting and pia- SP: $999,000else I do. (represented buyers and sellers)Hisseatmateandfellowviolist, his orchestra wife, he jokes, is Ja- SOLD!net Poland, the president of the or- 39 Crystal Avenue, West Orangechestras board. She is responsible forSP: $999,000helping to select, organize and copy(represented sellers)music. An accountant, she also over-sees the orchestras small budget. ItsSOLD!concerts are free and it is support- 17 Glenside Road, South OrangeedbyanannualgrantfromEssexSP: $1,235,000County and by donations.(represented sellers)Polandarrivedmorethan40 years ago after taking a tour of severalRead what this client says:local orchestras. The vibe was best inPractice takes place on Tuesday eve- South Orange. She has been a mem-Jen guided us through a whirlwind process of renovating, decluttering, oil tank removal, staging and marketingall while looking for the next house. She not only mar-ber ever since. When asked what sheketed our house, she marketed the neighborhood. She was frank about our homes pros gets out of her weekly stint, Polandnings at South Orange Middle School. and cons and gave us great advice about strategic renovations that helped us achieve talksaboutthethoughtthatgoesno at Stony Brook before embarkingour desired price. She has a great sense of what buyers want. It was great to navigate intoplaying.Weenjoyusingouron a lengthy conducting career withthis experience, confident that we were in good hands with a whip smart agent who has a great sense of humor and takes everything in stride. We highly recommend Jen to brains, she says. Besides, she adds,operas and orchestras across Canadaanyone looking to buy or sell property in New Jersey.J. Roberts, Maplewood 2024the orchestra is her second family. and the United States. She says mu-At the head of that family is Su- sicians joke that the viola is the most san Haig, a small woman who dancesoverlooked string instrument in theThe Jennifer McManus Team lightly on her podium, gently guid- orchestra because it doesnt usually#1 Small Teaming the musicians and never raisingcarry the melody. But it is frequently(917) 837-2192 her voice. She has been the orchestrasthechoiceofcomposersandcon- jennifer.mcmanus@cbmoves.comfeature story /17'